Can You Require the Use of Paid Time Off During Leave?
From the CED mailbag: Can you require employees to use accrued paid time off while receiving SDI or PFL if they are on FMLA leave? We’ll explain the rules below.
From the CED mailbag: Can you require employees to use accrued paid time off while receiving SDI or PFL if they are on FMLA leave? We’ll explain the rules below.
I am an employer who has multiple locations throughout the country but do not have 50 employees at any one site. We have a medical leave of absence policy offering 12 weeks of unpaid medical leave (which is eligible for SDI) to employees with bonafide medical conditions. I am looking for a form that employees […]
Under California and federal law, an exempt employee must receive his or her full salary for any week in which the person performs any work, regardless of the quality or number of hours worked. This is known as the “salary basis” rule. If you dock an exempt employee’s weekly salary, you could violate this rule […]
An employee has a history of fainting spells, and you’re worried that during one of these episodes the person may injure herself or another worker. What are your options? Although the Americans with Disabilities Act allows you to fire or refuse to hire an employee who poses a “direct threat” to herself or others, a […]