Faces of HR: From Frontline to C-Suite—Ray Smith’s Passion for People

Ray Smith’s journey to becoming a leading HR professional is a testament to her unwavering commitment to people. Her career, marked by a deep-rooted passion for creating inclusive and high-performing workplaces, has spanned diverse industries, from hospitality to healthcare. Starting as a frontline worker, Smith witnessed firsthand the impact of leadership decisions on employees and […]

Equity Out, Civility In?

After the surprise move that sent shockwaves through the HR industry when SHRM removed “equity” from its IE&D program, SHRM President Johnny C. Taylor Jr. cited people’s “confusion” around equity’s meaning as the reason for removing it, in a recent Forbes article. He insists the move wasn’t politically motivated and maintains it was made to […]

Redefining Workplace Perks for Modern Employee Needs

Attention business leaders: forget casual Fridays and quarterly pizza parties. Do you want to know the game-changing secret to motivating your teams today? They want training. The rise of remote work and skills-based hiring means workers are embracing training as the key to advancing in their careers. That means that for employers, it’s a win-win […]

SHRM’s New Headache: The Loud Outcry From the HR Industry Against ‘I&D’

SHRM’s recent adoption of the new acronym “I&D” instead of IE&D—removing the term “equity” from “Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity” —has caused quite an uproar in the HR industry. SHRM’s post on LinkedIn announcing this change has sparked rapid response and discussion throughout the HR community.  The post, which has over 500 comments, features a myriad […]

What We Learned From… SHRM 2024

HR Daily Advisor was in Chicago for SHRM’s 2024 conference this week! After three days of engaging speakers, here are some key takeaways we learned. AI The rise of AI in the world of work has presented a significant shift in how HR functions are performed. Although generative AI has been both a hot topic and […]

The Positive Side of Workplace Relationships

In a recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the conventional wisdom surrounding workplace romances is challenged, revealing that such relationships may have more benefits than previously thought. The research uncovers the benefits of workplace relationships, including enhanced motivation, a stronger sense of belonging, and a deeper commitment to the organization. Workplace […]

A Manager’s Guide to Minimizing Employee Burnout

Employee burnout is an epidemic in today’s workforce with important implications for organizations. Burnout often simply boils down to excessive workload—too much work for too long and not enough resources to do the work properly. During the pandemic, roles shifted, and workers complained of job creep, taking on increased responsibilities. The result: a fundamental imbalance […]

Bridge The Gap: Treat Employees as Your First Customers 

We’ve all heard the popular business slogan “the customer is always right,” a phrase that highlights essential customer-first cultures implemented in almost every organization. This is how most businesses approach their operations, prioritizing customer satisfaction and retention to drive profitability. But a lesser-known fact is that a great employee-first culture also drives success, and retaining […]

Addressing Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing in Remote Settings

The ability to work remotely has been a big boon for both employees and organizations. COVID-19 accelerated experiences in working virtually for a significant portion of the workforce. But, while the digital age has powered the ability to work remotely, and conveniently, from virtually anywhere, as the boundaries between professional and personal lives have blurred, […]

Faces of HR: Stacy Lord on Being Present and Prepared

Meet Stacy Lord, HR Manager at University of Phoenix. Lord has been with the university for 16 years now, kick-starting her career as an enrollment representative. Her responsibilities included duties that allowed her to help others progress in their roles, such as peer performance coaching and skills training. It was during this time that Lord’s […]