Tag: Soft skills

Soft skills

The Power of Soft Skills in the Age of AI

While it’s expected that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace certain job functions, the emergence of ChatGPT and other generative tools has everyone from content creators to software developers wondering about the longevity of their careers. But humans have something AI doesn’t—the ability to understand and connect with other humans. So, how do enterprises find the […]

‘Human’ Skills Top Employer Demands Even Amid AI Revolution

There is understandably a great deal of apprehension among workers over the rapid pace of advancement in AI technology. Increasingly sophisticated AI tools are able to perform myriad tasks once exclusively the realm of humans, from data entry and note taking all the way up to tasks once reserved for highly paid professionals, like contract […]

The Human Advantage: Why Soft Skills Are Crucial in the Age of AI

AI is here, and it will change work as we know it. While some believe AI may replace large numbers of jobs, others argue it will not significantly change the demand for labor, just transform it, and potentially even improve the experience, and quality, of that work. It is only reasonable for such uncertainty to […]

How to Shift from a Reactive to a Transformational Workforce Approach

Organizations today face tremendous pressure to adapt and innovate to survive—let alone thrive—amidst global instability and rapid technological change. Companies must take a strategic, forward-looking approach to workforce planning to meet these challenges rather than simply reacting to external forces. Organizations that mature from a reactive approach to a proactive one — and who do […]

Faces of HR: Michele Silverman on Championing Well-Being at Veterinary Innovative Partners

Michele Silverman isn’t your average HR leader. With two decades of experience, she’s not just a master of policy and procedure but also an architect of meaningful employee experiences. At Veterinary Innovative Partners (VIP), a network of over 40 veterinarian-owned-and-operated hospitals across nine states, her mission is clear: to empower veterinarians and their teams to […]

Thriving Among Competition: Recruitment and Retention Strategies to Become a Destination Employer  

The lifeline of any company is attracting and retaining top-notch talent. High-performing employees serve as the building blocks for setting the foundation for organizational success. In a competitive workforce with a limited talent pool, recruitment and retention strategies have become more essential than ever.   Following the Great Resignation (2021-2022), where an average of 4.5 […]

5 Workforce and Career Trends for 2024

As technology, demographics and cultural movements evolve, so do careers and workplaces. Today, the United States is undergoing a significant transformation in both the nature of work and how people engage in it, largely propelled by remote work and the rapid advancements in AI and digitalization following the pandemic. While the full extent of these […]


3 Ways to Create a Place Where People Want to Work

My definition of leader is broad. A leader is any person in the position to influence others—bosses, teachers, coaches, parents, pastors, and more. In my book Breadcrumb Legacy: How Great Leaders Live a Life Worth Remembering, I concluded that leadership is not a title—not a position—but a relationship. I also concluded that leadership development is […]

The Modern Hiring Landscape: Spotting Red Flags and Harnessing AI

Even though many reports suggest that the U.S. labor market has cooled, employers are often still struggling to find top quality talent. In many industries, while there may be a large number of job applicants, few meet all of the hard- and soft-skill requirements necessary for the position. While running short-staffed for months or longer […]

Trends in Addressing Employee Work/Life Balance Needs

The push for greater work-life balance is a much talked about shift in employee needs—in fact, demands—over the past several years. This demand has been heightened, of course, by experiences during the pandemic. As many employees enjoyed the freedom and flexibility of remote or hybrid work schedules they got a taste for the balance they […]