Tag: Source Athitat Shinagowin


Promoting Employees When There Are No Positions Available

In a previous post, we talked about the benefits to both the employer and the employee of promotions. For the employee, while a promotion comes with greater responsibility, it also typically comes with greater prestige, seniority, authority, and compensation.


What You Should Really Expect from Recently Promoted Employees

Unfortunately, there isn’t typically one set of tools or metrics you can rely on when evaluating newly promoted employees. How employees should be evaluated once they’re promoted depends on a variety of factors, such as their current skill sets and experience levels, the size of the project or team they’re overseeing and the team’s expertise, […]

2018 Catalyst Award Winners Receive Honors

Last month, Catalyst, a non-profit organization dedicated to expanding opportunities for women and business, honored recipients of the 2018 Catalyst Award at its annual awards conference and dinner in New York City.