Tag: Technology

Is Technology Making Us Less Efficient?

It’s time for me to climb up on my soapbox once again. I hate to do it, but I just can’t hold back any longer. Have you noticed how much time we spend saving time and trying to be more efficient? (Read that again.) It’s occurred to me that all of these tools designed to […]

Hiring Military Veterans Makes Sense

U.S. troops have already begun leaving some Iraqi cities, and we now are about a year away from the target deadline the Obama administration has set for pulling a significant number of combat troops out of that country. The United States has more than 140,000 men and women currently serving in Iraq, all of whom […]

Resolving Conflicts at Work: A Complete Guide for Everyone on the Job

Technology writer and consultant David Micah Kaufman reviews the book Resolving Conflicts at Work: A Complete Guide for Everyone on the Job by Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith. Kaufman reviews book’s theme of seeking resolution to conflict at work instead of settlement. While we all seek harmony at work, conflict is inevitable. The challenges of […]

Making Technology Improve Work, Not Create Distraction

The capabilities of the devices the average employee brings to the workplace these days are amazing. At any given moment, every one of your employees probably has the ability to make a phone call from anywhere in the building, record a conversation, and take pictures of your most sensitive work secrets — and that’s just […]

How to Talk So People Listen: Connecting in Today’s Workplace

Technology writer and consultant David Micah Kaufman reviews the book How to Talk So People Listen: Connecting in Today’s Workplace by Sonya Hamlin. Review notes book’s advice for thinking through the various consequences and responses of business communications makes it a classic. One of the keys to success for any organization is communication. I have […]