Tag: Technology

Differing Expectations on the Impact of AI on Human Jobs

With the explosion in generative AI (GenAI) technology in recent years, observers have repeatedly been awed by the capabilities of this new technology, which can seemingly do just about anything humans can do, only much faster. That necessarily raises interesting questions about the impact of AI on human employment. Interestingly, there can be a significant […]

Maximizing Employee Presentation Skills: How Anyone Can Become a Superstar Presenter

In today’s workforce, effective presentations can make the difference in achieving multiple business goals, from closing sales to delivering employee training, internal communication, and beyond. This makes presentation skills important for employees at many levels, and employees agree. As found in the recent Superstar Presenter Spotlight with over 1,000 U.S. professionals surveyed, better presentations can […]

Conflict Management and AI

Generative AI is being used to address many workplace issues, including conflict management. But can we rely on this technology to handle something so personal in nature? It depends on how AI is used and how the tool was trained. While using AI for managing conflict may offer many benefits—especially for GenZers who are often […]

Soft skills

The Power of Soft Skills in the Age of AI

While it’s expected that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace certain job functions, the emergence of ChatGPT and other generative tools has everyone from content creators to software developers wondering about the longevity of their careers. But humans have something AI doesn’t—the ability to understand and connect with other humans. So, how do enterprises find the […]

‘Human’ Skills Top Employer Demands Even Amid AI Revolution

There is understandably a great deal of apprehension among workers over the rapid pace of advancement in AI technology. Increasingly sophisticated AI tools are able to perform myriad tasks once exclusively the realm of humans, from data entry and note taking all the way up to tasks once reserved for highly paid professionals, like contract […]

The Surprising Impact of Tech Layoffs on Software Development Careers

In the wake of economic shifts and technological advancements, the tech employment landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, highlighting an interesting trend: a substantial portion of displaced workers are shifting towards software development roles. What drives this trend, and what does it mean for the tech industry? Major layoffs at leading tech companies have challenged […]

2024 AI Hiring Trends

The world isn’t slowing down, so businesses must design hiring strategies to withstand seismic shifts. In the first quarter alone, there was no shortage of significant world news impacting hiring: So, what should companies do to navigate this in a consolidating market with high demand for skilled workers? Here’s what you need to know. Artificial […]

EU Passes Artificial Intelligence Act

Congress and the Biden administration continue to focus on regulating artificial intelligence (AI). Despite that attention, however, no comprehensive legislation or regulations applying to AI have been implemented at the federal level. In contrast, the European Parliament passed the Artificial Intelligence Act on March 13. The legislation was three years in the making and will […]

Cyber Hygiene: The Key To Closing Digital Skills Gaps

HR leaders and decision-makers of today have to remain abreast of skills gaps within their organizations. With emerging and evolving technologies like artificial intelligence growing increasingly commonplace, adapting to new demands is key, but HR leaders must ensure that worker skills do not become obsolete as their employment skill set demands change. One of the […]

With Hybrid Work ‘Here to Stay,’ Can New Tech Boost Occupancy Planning?

Four years following the pandemic, a new survey from JLL finds that hybrid working is now the most common workstyle globally, with 87% of organizations operating with a hybrid program today. Hybrid work has proven to have a lasting impact and is “here to stay,” according to JLL’s new 2024 Global Occupancy Planning Benchmarking Report. The […]