Tag: Technology

What You Need to Know About Modern Direct Sourcing

Talent has long been an organization’s greatest asset; however, many businesses have only recently come to appreciate the real value of their workers. In light of ongoing talent shortages, more than a few companies have found themselves with bad hires and the consequences that come with them. Loss of productivity is just the first. Loss […]

Tech Is a Worthy Investment for CEOs, Even if ROI Is Not There Yet

For healthcare leaders, investment in technology right now requires more than just resources—it also demands patience and willingness to trust the process. As technology continues to evolve, so will organizations’ understanding of how it impacts the bottom line. For that reason, hospital CEOs must remain committed to investing in new technology for the long haul […]

3 Hacks for Virtual Team Collaboration

Virtual teams have always been a reality in the business world, but the COVID-19 pandemic kicked them into high gear. More and more employees became permanently remote, which meant fewer watercooler conversations or opportunities for coworkers to bond. To be fair, it also meant a workforce that had more freedom over their lives with flexible […]

Leadership In the AI Age: How to Manage When Your Organization Has More Machines Than People

It’s here. The once science fiction scenario where the world is filled with more machines than people is now a pressing reality. Like it or not, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has entered the workplace–and on a global scale. It’s a pivotal moment for business leaders, and with huge implications. And while this reality may seem daunting […]

AI’s Impact on Hiring: Keep the Human in Your Talent Acquisition Practices  

AI is a tool like anything else. So, when I hear about AI in hiring, I think less about the AI itself and what it is capable of and more about how companies, teams and individuals may use it. Talent Acquisition (TA) and retention is a people-centered process: It wouldn’t be wise to overuse AI […]

Leadership & Cybersecurity: Learning from the Cyberattack on Change Healthcare

Hospital and health systems have been going through the wringer for a few years now. The last thing CEOs needed on their plate was a cyberattack at the scale and magnitude of the one Change Healthcare suffered. And yet, what is being called “the most significant cyberattack on the U.S. healthcare system in American history” is now […]

Balancing the Scales: How Scheduling Software Promotes Workplace Equity

Maintaining fairness and transparency in the workplace continues to be instrumental in meeting the expectations of a modern and socially conscious workforce. Research from Gartner predicts that in 2024, companies will shift DEI implementation to be less siloed and more integrated throughout the organization. Companies have opportunities to become more equitable and transparent. One way […]

How to Boost Team Morale Amid Digital Evolution

In the rapidly changing landscape brought on by digital advancements, companies often focus primarily on adopting the latest technologies and automating processes. However, the cornerstone of any successful organization — its employees — should not be ignored. This article outlines proven strategies to ensure that your workforce remains a priority, even as technological changes sweep […]

The Impact of Excessive Screen Time and How to Support Better Working Habits

It’s no surprise people are spending more time on screens. In fact, millions of Americans are exposed to excessive screen time every day (7+ hours), particularly those who work in office jobs. While technology has many benefits, spending prolonged periods on computers and other digital devices requires the eyes to work harder up close, and […]

The Impact of Excessive Screen Time and How to Support Better Working Habits

It’s no surprise people are spending more time on screens. In fact, millions of Americans are exposed to excessive screen time every day (7+ hours), particularly those who work in office jobs. While technology has many benefits, spending prolonged periods on computers and other digital devices requires the eyes to work harder up close, and […]