Tag: Technology

Balancing the Scales: How Scheduling Software Promotes Workplace Equity

Maintaining fairness and transparency in the workplace continues to be instrumental in meeting the expectations of a modern and socially conscious workforce. Research from Gartner predicts that in 2024, companies will shift DEI implementation to be less siloed and more integrated throughout the organization. Companies have opportunities to become more equitable and transparent. One way […]

How to Boost Team Morale Amid Digital Evolution

In the rapidly changing landscape brought on by digital advancements, companies often focus primarily on adopting the latest technologies and automating processes. However, the cornerstone of any successful organization — its employees — should not be ignored. This article outlines proven strategies to ensure that your workforce remains a priority, even as technological changes sweep […]

The Impact of Excessive Screen Time and How to Support Better Working Habits

It’s no surprise people are spending more time on screens. In fact, millions of Americans are exposed to excessive screen time every day (7+ hours), particularly those who work in office jobs. While technology has many benefits, spending prolonged periods on computers and other digital devices requires the eyes to work harder up close, and […]

The Impact of Excessive Screen Time and How to Support Better Working Habits

It’s no surprise people are spending more time on screens. In fact, millions of Americans are exposed to excessive screen time every day (7+ hours), particularly those who work in office jobs. While technology has many benefits, spending prolonged periods on computers and other digital devices requires the eyes to work harder up close, and […]

5 Continuous Improvement Techniques to Refine Recruitment Communications

Finding the best talent for your company is more than a simple review of resumes to identify the most fitting qualifications. Recruiters are an important component of generating interest in open job positions and finding the perfect addition to your team. As a recruiter, harnessing the correct communication channels and methods can veritably enhance your […]

Artificial Intelligence Use Continues to Rise in Employment

As 2023 wound down, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) by employers showed no sign of slowing down. Rather, you should prepare for an increased use and presence of AI in employment decision-making, as well as employee engagement. Intersection of Technology and Employment Law Throughout 2023, an increasing number of states and cities began limiting the […]

Will All Jobs Soon Be “Tech Jobs”?

There was a time not so long ago when having a “tech job” carried a certain status symbol. People holding such jobs have been perceived as having highly specialized knowledge of complex concepts and technologies, and an appropriately high level of compensation as a result. Given the specialized and selective connotation associated with “tech jobs,” […]

How HR Teams Can Cultivate Data Literacy and Critical Thinking

At a time when rapidly emerging technology like AI and an increasingly competitive global economy are pressuring companies to innovate and adapt like never before, it’s critical for HR teams to focus on holistic skills management. Many companies face an acute skills shortage, which puts them at a severe competitive disadvantage – from hiring and […]

Measuring What Matters: Why Human Capital Metrics Need to Shift and How to Define What’s Meaningful for 2024

Four years after the COVID-19 pandemic reoriented the workplace, many organizations are still figuring out their hybrid work arrangements. Some demand that workers return to the office, ending a de facto pilot program after years of growing autonomy and flexibility. Others are going all in, making remote and hybrid work a permanent and important part […]

The Value of Bilingualism and Multilingualism in the Workplace

In today’s globalized business landscape, the ability to communicate across linguistic barriers is more than just a nice-to-have—it’s a competitive imperative. As businesses expand their reach, the value of bilingualism and multilingualism in the workplace becomes increasingly evident. But with the rise of translation tools, is human multilingualism still as crucial as it once was? […]