Tag: work from home

Disability as the Invisible Element of Diversity

When people talk about diversity and inclusion, they often think mainly about race and gender. These two aspects are perhaps the most prominent dimensions of diversity, but they’re far from the only ones. Disability, whether physical or mental, is also an important spectrum of diversity. Unfortunately for both employees and employers, people with disabilities often […]

Survey Data Shows How HR Can Navigate the Future Workplace

2021 continues to be a year of constant change for businesses and their HR departments. Companies are still navigating hybrid workspaces and adapting to new technologies, as well as working to improve hiring and employee retention programs in response to the “Great Resignation” and “Great Reshuffle.” With these dynamically shifting environments, HR departments are scrambling […]


Multi-Skilling During the Great Resignation

The challenges of the Great Resignation are certainly not lost on employers, few of which expect any kind of turnaround in the near future. According to a new survey by Willis Towers Watson (WTW), 83% of employers expect to have problems attracting employees in 2022 compared with 62% that reported such difficulty in the first […]


Training on Basic IT Skills

Anyone who’s worked in an office has likely been hindered by frustrating technical challenges. Connectivity issues, forgotten passwords, or frozen computers always seem to pop up frequently when work is particularly abundant or when deadlines are fast approaching. Even on a normal day, downtime from technical issues is both annoying and costly. The High Costs […]

What You Think Employees Want Versus What They Really Want

No matter how long you’ve been in the recruitment game, you’ve probably been able to compile a list of benefits, either formally or informally, that you believe talent is looking for. But what if that list doesn’t match up with reality anymore?

The Pervasiveness of Subjective Hiring

In today’s labor market, many employers are just happy to acquire any talent they can get their hands on. However, it’s still important for recruitment teams to focus on finding the best fit for the needs and culture of the organization. And with fewer candidates submitting applications, employers are well advised to carefully review available […]


New Leadership Focus: Sleep Leadership

Corporate norms evolve over time; sometimes, these norms are beneficial for workers’ overall well-being, and sometimes, they are detrimental. In general, though, the driving force behind such shifts is the best interest of the companies employing these workers. For example, until fairly recently, putting in long hours at the office was the norm, and those […]


The Importance of Providing Employees with Uptraining Opportunities

Many companies are operating with a tighter budget in the wake of the pandemic. As such, business leaders have to make priority-driven decisions about how to spend their money, and where to allocate resources. This might lead some managers and decision-makers to skip uptraining opportunities for their employees in 2022. After all, your employees already […]


The Importance of Teaching Video Call Etiquette

Videoconference calls have become a staple of office collaboration in the remote work environment. There are a number of established players in the industry that provide the same basic functions. Whether one uses Zoom, GoToMeeting, Microsoft® Teams, Google Meet, Cisco Webex, or something else, the platform is going to have video and audio that can […]


How Can You Make the Most Of 2022? Focus On What You Can Control

There’s a lot going on in our lives and around us, and much of it we can’t control. You’ve heard that before, yet year after year many of us stress out trying to control too much or worrying about those uncontrollables, no matter how pointless it is – not to mention how damaging it can be […]