Tag: Workplace Safety

Do Safety Trainers Need Training on Training?

These tips were reported on in our biweekly sister print publication, OSHA Compliance Advisor, whose ongoing “Trainer’s Corner” feature specializes in training trainers to be better at what they do. Today, and in the next Advisor, let’s look at some of these pointers. First, Preparation In training, as in so many other pursuits, “the speed […]

Tennessee Senate OK’s ‘guns in parking lots’ bill

Legislation giving handgun carry permit holders the right to keep guns in their vehicles in public parking lots, including their employer’s parking lot, passed the Tennessee Senate Monday evening, 28-5. The bill, which will go to the House Civil Justice Subcommittee Wednesday afternoon, would give civil immunity to employers for deaths, injuries, or damage involving […]

Do You Know the FUNdamentals of Safety Training?

When it comes to openers and closers, safety consultant Linda Tapp urges trainers to keep in mind the law of primary and “recency.” Trainees are going to remember what you do first and last. So you want to make sure to choose the right activities—activities at the beginning of the session that will get trainees […]

FUN with One: Effective Safety Training for a Safety Department of One

Effective and fun safety training is possible even for the safety director of a small company, who manages to deliver quality, cost-effective training that lives up to his company’s slogan “Safety Always.” For Jerry McGlynn, safety director for McWilliams Electric Co., bringing training in-house was a strategic decision. The family-owned business of about 90 employees […]

You Could Get Sued for Lack of Adequate Training

In the case of Freitick v. SMS Rail Lines, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania had to determine whether the company was negligent and, if so, whether negligence caused the employee’s injuries. In addition, the court had to decide whether the employee knew before the accident that he was required to […]

Could You Get Sued for Not Providing Adequate Training?

A worker, who was not wearing work gloves when he was injured, sued his employer, claiming that the employer did not instruct him that wearing leather gloves was a mandatory safety precaution. The employee started working for SMS Rail Lines in February 2006 as a boom truck operator and railroad track laborer. As required, he […]

How Many Training Hats Do You Wear?

He began by describing the many hats that safety trainers wear, along with the varied responsibilities that come with each head topper: Facilitator. As a facilitator a trainer makes sure participants express their thoughts and are heard and recognized. A trainer mediates differences and periodically checks how participants are feeling and reacting to the training. […]

Hands-On Hand Safety Training

Discussing the various hand hazards your workers face and describing the safety procedures in place to protect them are both important parts of your training. But sometimes, physical demonstrations of just how hand injuries would affect workers’ lives may pack the biggest punch, so to speak. In other words, here’s a brief training exercise to […]

Does Your Safety Training Need a Hand?

Because the hands and fingers play a role in virtually every task, they are unusually vulnerable to injury. And they are also often taken for granted and not protected as well as they should be. Yet their distinctive characteristics—strength, flexibility, sensitivity, and coordination—are vital, and hand protection and safety should be a major concern for […]

Training Is Effective Only with Motivated Employees

You may give the most professional and informed training session on the planet, but if your employees aren’t sufficiently motivated to do good work, they won’t receive the full benefits of your training. In a BLR webinar entitled ‘Worker Safety: How To Implement Truly Effective Training That Reduces Injuries, Costs, and Lawsuits,’ Michael D. Lawrence […]