Tag: feedback

Is Feedback Working for You?

To maintain or improve organizational performance, business leaders often reach for feedback. But feedback is a word and a practice that often inspires anxiety, frustration, and confusion. Instead of feedback being used effectively to highlight possibilities, in many teams it’s a practice that happens a few times a year and people try to ‘get through’ […]

Reframe Criticism to Become a Better Motivator

Be honest: Are you a good motivator at work? Scott Adams, the author of Reframe Your Brain: The User Interface for Happiness and Success, likely disagrees with your answer. But he gives us a way to rethink—or, as he puts it, reframe—our mindset on motivation. I, too, spend a lot of time thinking about this […]

How to Transform Your Employee Training with the ‘PROOF’ Framework

In the ever-evolving landscape of learning and development (L&D), organizations are constantly seeking innovative approaches to ensure their training initiatives are both effective and engaging. Enter: the PROOF framework, a transformative approach that promises to revolutionize employee training. In an article for Forbes, Morgan Massie, a Forbes Councils Member, an International Coaching Federation-certified coach, and […]


How to Give Good Feedback on Goals

Do your employees make quarterly or yearly goals? If so, you probably have a system in place whereby you or another employee meets with them to go over their goals. However, these meetings are probably pretty quick—after all, how can you really tell people the goals they set for themselves aren’t a good idea? It’s […]


Acronyms and Employee Performance: List Goes On and On

Acronyms are quick and useful abbreviations that allow us to recall lists, speeches, important facts, or procedures through the use of one word or short phrase. Such shortcuts are common in the world of employment, too, and just as useful. TIPS and tricks Acronyms are one of the oldest tricks in the book when it […]

Making Values More Than Words Across a Global Organization

Nadia was an HR Works Podcast 5-Minute Friday guest, listen to that here. Simply identifying your organization’s values does not make them real. It’s easy to bandy about words like “trust” and “innovation” or “motivation.” But if they are not grounded in real actions and supported by congruent behaviors, such values can fall remarkably short. […]


A Different Way of Asking for Feedback

When children proudly show a drawing to their parents, the universal reaction is one of praise and adoration. Parents don’t typically provide critical feedback like “That doesn’t look like me” or “Trees are supposed to be green.” The primary goal is to show love and encouragement and avoid hurt feelings, rather than develop a world-class […]

Rising Higher: Eliminating Performance Reviews

Gaylyn was an HR Works Podcast 5-Minute Friday guest, listen to that here. My personal opinion, for whatever that’s worth, is that performance reviews do more harm than good. Most people have different feedback needs, and memorializing their flaws in documentation can make otherwise excellent employees head for the door. I am not alone in […]


Optimize Time, Maximize Potential: Let Your Team Lead

With organizations engaged in many competing actions and objectives, we’re often inundated with tasks and new initiatives that seem to go on forever. If you’ve ever been in three meetings at once, driven to your next appointment while responding to phone calls, or spent your weekend answering e-mails, you aren’t alone.