As of January 1, 1998, most private-sector, non-union employees will be entitled to overtime only after 40 hours in a week rather than eight hours in a day. The industries affected are manufacturing; public housekeeping; professional, technical and clerical; mercantile; and transportation. If you’re covered, you need to be prepared. First, if you haven’t yet received a new wage and hour poster from the state, call the Department of Industrial Relations at (415) 972-8844. Second, check and revise your personnel policies to be sure they’re consistent with the new rules. Policies promising to pay overtime after eight hours in a day may obligate you to do so-even if the law no longer requires it. For other questions, call one of the Labor Commissioner’s informational hotlines: San Francisco (415) 557-7878; Sacramento (916) 323-4920; Los Angeles (213) 620-6330; or San Diego (619) 467-3002, or you may e-mail specific questions to