
Internet Policy: April 2002


Sample Internet Policy

Here’s a sample Internet policy you can modify and/or expand to meet your organization’s specific needs. Have your employees sign the policy, acknowledging they understand it and agree to be bound by its terms.

[Company] Internet Policy

  1. Business use only. [Company] provides Internet access (including e-mail) to its employees to assist and facilitate business communications and work-related research. These services are for legitimate business use only in the course of employees’ assigned duties. All materials, information and software created, transmitted, downloaded or stored on the company’s computer system are the property of [Company] and may be accessed only by authorized personnel. [OPTIONAL: Employees may access the Internet for nonbusiness use during meal time or other breaks, so long as all other provisions of this policy are followed.]


  2. Prohibited uses. Inappropriate Internet use includes:


    • transmitting obscene, harassing, offensive or unprofessional messages,


    • accessing any site that is sexually or racially offensive or discriminatory,


    • displaying, downloading or distributing any sexually explicit material,


    • transmitting any of [Company’s] confidential or proprietary information, including customer data, trade secrets or other materials covered by [Company’s] confidentiality policy.


  3. Monitoring. [Company] reserves the right to monitor employee use of the e-mail system or the Internet at any time. Employees should not consider their Internet usage or e-mail communications to be private. Personal passwords are not an assurance of confidentiality, and the Internet itself is not secure.


  4. Copyright restrictions, permission required. Any software or other material downloaded into the company’s computers may be used only in ways consistent with the licenses and copyrights of the vendors, authors or owners of the material. Prior written authorization from [insert] is required before introducing any software into the company’s computer system. Employees may not download music, entertainment software or games.


  5. No company representation. Only authorized employees may communicate on the Internet on behalf of the company. Employees may not express opinions or personal views that could be misconstrued as being those of the company. Employees may not state their company affiliation on the Internet unless required as part of their assigned duties.


  6. Violations. Any violation of this policy may result in loss of computer access and disciplinary action, including immediate termination.


By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the terms of this policy.

Employee Name (printed)

Employee Signature



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