A lot is written about leaders. Go to your nearest bookstore and you will find shelves full of books written by politicians, businesspeople, and athletes on how to be a leader. Is there a secret recipe that if you follow every step will make you a leader? I don’t think so. But there are some common traits that all real leaders share.
If you take a look in the dictionary, you’ll find that a leader is defined as a person or thing that leads; a guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group. That definition does not get to the heart of what it takes to be a leader. By this definition, you’re a leader if you just happen to be standing in the front of the line. But we all know it takes much more than that to be a leader.
You can be a leader only if others are willing to follow you. And that happens only when you earn the trust of others. In order to earn trust, you must be able to demonstrate a number of traits — usually over a period of time. Those traits inspire, maybe even compel, others to follow. Here are some of the traits necessary to become a leader:
L is for Listen. If you aspire to be a leader, you must be a good listener. Often people get confused about this one. They think that to be a great leader, they must show others that they’re the smartest one in the room. Or they think they need to take control of the situation and to do so they must do all the talking. They fail to realize the importance of listening. Everyone wants to be heard, and that’s why a leader must listen first. People have ideas they want to share. Just because you’re the one doing all the talking doesn’t make you a leader. Stephen Covey preaches that you must first seek to understand, then to be understood. You can’t understand if you don’t listen, and you can’t lead if you don’t understand.
E is for Example. If you want to lead, you must first demonstrate that you’re capable of it. You need to set the example for others. That’s not telling others what to do, it’s showing them. Remember, to earn a position of leadership, you must earn people’s trust. A willingness to do any job that needs to be done, even the dirtiest one, sets the example that you don’t put yourself above others. A true leader is in that position because others have chosen to follow her. If you set the right example, you’ll earn trust and leadership will follow.
A is for Action. Some people might think that the “A” in leader is for authority. Isn’t the leader the one in charge? And while the result may be that the leader is in charge, what gets him there is action. Taking the responsibility to make decisions, take action, and live with the consequences is what makes someone a leader. You can’t lead if you’re standing still. It takes action to be a leader. Of course, it can’t be just any action. It must be action that gets results. People will recognize it, respect it, and follow it.
D is for Dependable. A leader is a leader in good times and bad. If you want others to follow, you must demonstrate that you are dependable. Someone who cannot be relied on consistently will never be a leader. If you make a promise or commitment, keep it. If you say you’ll do something, do it. People want to know they can count on you. Once they’re convinced they can, they’ll follow you.
E is for Expectations. A leader must set expectations for herself and for others. People will live up to what you expect and believe of them. If you set high standards for yourself and others, it is likely they will be achieved. John Steinbeck wrote, “It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him.” Leaders expect greatness of themselves and of others, and they get what they expect.
R is for Respect. I’m talking about giving it, not getting it. A true leader treats others with respect regardless of position. If you respect others — and this is important — you will gain a better understanding of who they really are. Treat people with respect, and they will open up to you. They will share their dreams and aspirations with you. And when you have that level of trust and you know people that well, then you can lead them because you will have captured not just their minds, but their hearts.
True leaders demonstrate a number of traits and qualities that cause others to willingly follow them. If you honestly Listen to others, if you set a good Example, and take Action, if you’re Dependable and set Expectations for yourself and others, and if you truly Respect them, you are a LEADER.