Month: April 2012

Waiting Time Penalties for Final Pay

Yesterday, we looked at the rules for final pay in California, including the deadlines by which you must pay employees who are leaving either voluntarily or involuntarily. What happens if you miss those deadlines?

Pay-for-Performance? Three Questions to Ask First

Green, who is a principal at consultant Hay Group, offered her tips at a recent webinar sponsored by HRHero/BLR. What Pay-for-Performance Is (And Isn’t) First, says Green, it’s important to clarify what is pay for performance and what isn’t. Pay for performance, she says is: Any type of compensation or reward that is provided only […]

There’s No Such Thing As Lawsuit Avoidance in 2012

Special from SHRM Employment Law and Legislative Conference Washington, DC In yesterday’s Advisor, we highlighted attorney Jonathan Segal’s tips for communicating with the C-suite. Today, his take on lawsuit avoidance, plus an introduction to the all-HR-in-one website, Segal, a partner with Duane Morris law firm in Philadelphia, shared his expertise at SHRM’s Employment Law […]

If Feedback Is All Positive, Results Can Be Negative

“How good am I?” is a question we all ask ourselves. We want to know how good we are at most things in our lives. We want to know how we’re doing in our relationships. Are you a good friend, spouse, or parent? We want to know how good we are at our hobbies. Are […]

Bonuses? Great, But Legal Pitfalls Abound

Bonuses are an integral part of many companies’ compensation packages because they: Are an expression of goodwill from employer to employee. Exemplify a personal touch and may evoke loyalty and dedication. Allow organizations to manage pay for performance Can be used as an incentive to retain top performers or to attract new employees Allow the […]

There Is No Such Thing As Lawsuit Avoidance in 2012’

Segal, a partner with Duane Morris law firm in Philadelphia, shared his expertise at SHRM’s Employment Law and Legislative Conference, held recently in Washington, DC. [Go here for tips 1 through 13] 14. Focus on Risk Selection, Not Risk Avoidance In 2012, there’s no avoiding risk, says Segal. For example, say there’s a hiring decision […]

Comp/HR Managers: Stop Asking for a ‘Seat at the Table’

Segal, a partner with Duane Morris law firm in Philadelphia, offered his tips for dealing with the C-suite at SHRM’s Employment Law and Legislative Conference, held recently in Washington, DC. 1. Stop Asking To Be At Table Asking only reinforces the perception of your subordinate role, Segal says. Instead, demonstrate why you should be at […]

Religious Time-Off Requests: Accommodation vs. Productivity and Fairness

Despite a trend toward employers embracing flexibility in the workplace as a way to improve work-life balance, most employers have expectations related to their employees’ schedules. In some workplaces, rigid schedules aren’t necessary as long as the work gets done. In others, shifts are firm and when someone needs time off, a request is made […]