Month: June 2014

6 Design Considerations for Executive Pay Plans

Designing your executive pay plan can be daunting—you need to consider a whole host of factors, such as the company's goals and the competitive environment. Let's take a look at some design considerations for effective executive pay plans.

Supervisor’s Bottom Line: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

The old maxim “No good deed goes unpunished” is rarely as applicable as when untrained supervisors and managers try to be good bosses. If you have new, or recently promoted, supervisors or managers, see if any of these situations are familiar: “Do you think you might be depressed?” asks the concerned, but untrained, boss. “I […]

‘But it was due to my addiction’—when is last-minute confession too late?

By Kyla Stott-Jess It is not uncommon for an employee to disclose an addiction only when being terminated for misconduct that may be related to the employee’s substance abuse. The employee then tries to trigger human rights protections due to his or her “disability.” A recent Alberta court decision, Bish v. Elk Valley Coal Corporation, […]

PA Mistake #7—Gaming the System

[Go here for sins 1 to 6.] Sin #7. Gaming the system “John’s work is just OK, to be sure, but I need to give him a big raise to keep him, so he gets an ‘excellent.’” “I can’t stand Sandy, but I can’t transfer him unless he has a high rating; let his next […]