What’s happening with case management in the real world? How do you handle routine requests from your employees? What about not-so-routine requests, like complaints? What are your competitors up to? Help us find out!
Please participate in our brief survey, and see how what you are doing stacks up against what other successful companies are doing.
We’ll get answers to these questions and more:
- How is your system for intake and/or tracking of employee complaints administered?
- How many employees access your system to make a complaint?
- What are the three most common complaints you get from employees?
- May employees who have submitted a question access the system later to find out the status of their query?
Participate in this brief survey, and see how the training programs your company offers stack up against those of other successful companies.
The survey takes only a few minutes to complete.
To show our appreciation, we’ll send a PDF of the survey results to all participants. (Be sure to include your contact information where prompted.)
No individual organization’s information will be shared. Only results in the aggregate will be sent to participants or used by BLR® for articles or in any other form of distribution.
How you handle your employees’ complaints and questions directly effects morale in the company and can help you avoid sticky legal situations. See how you match up against your competitors with this survey!
Thank you for your valued input.
Dan Oswald
Upcoming 2016 BLR surveys include:
- Retention, Engagement, and Branding
- Health and Wellness
- Pay Budget