
Record HIPAA Settlement: Advocate Health Care Pays $5.55 Million

Advocate Health Care Network (Advocate) has agreed to pay $5.55 million to settle with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), multiple potential Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations involving electronic protected health information (ePHI). This is the largest HIPAA settlement to date against a single entity.

Why ‘Talent Scouts’ Trump Traditional Employee-Referral Programs

As you know, employee-referral programs (ERPs) tend to be one of the most effective recruiting strategies available to organizations—chiefly because they expand the applicant pool, identify candidates with precisely the right skills and values, and potentially reduce recruiting costs.

How to Present When You’re Not in the Room

Modern communications technology combined with organizations that have multiple locations have made remote presentations commonplace. Have you ever had to present training materials to an audience that isn’t physically in the same room as you? It can be a challenge. Here are strategies for success from Brad Karsh, CEO and founder of JB Training Solutions.

Avoiding snares in workplace wellness programs

by David L. Johnson Encouraged by health insurance companies, workplace wellness programs have become trendy. Wellness programs help prevent disease and encourage employees to adopt healthier lifestyles. What could possibly go wrong? Well, wellness programs involve biometric screenings, medical questionnaires, and health risk assessments. If the information is in the hands of a third party […]

Have a Little Sympathy; I Just Quit My Job

The Comedy Central show, @Midnight, recently asked its Twitter followers to tweet how they would quit their jobs using the hashtag, “#QuitYourJobIn5Words.” The Twitter world complied and left us such gems as “Nobody puts baby in cubicle” via @TunaOfTheSky, and “I’ve caught all the Pokémon here” from @Roybq. However, no amount of hashtags could prepare […]