
The Pros and Cons of Workplace Friendships

It shouldn’t be surprising to anyone that people develop friendships at work. After all, work is where most working-age adults spend about half of their workdays. There are plenty of benefits to office camaraderie. According to a new MyPerfectResume Friendships in the Workplace report, 73% of employees credit their workplace friendships with improving collaboration, productivity, and […]

Take Steps to Mitigate AI Risks in HR

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), nearly 8% of employers use artificial intelligence (AI) technology to make employment decisions. The prevalence of AI technology in the employment arena shouldn’t surprise HR professionals with long to-do lists. AI can assist with résumé reviews, training, and employee evaluations. While AI can be a powerful tool, it can […]

Infographic: How to Snag Gen Z Talent With Social Media

Learning how to make your company relatable and attractive to Gen Z workers so they’ll want to work there can be a challenge for HR leaders, but it’s not impossible! Using social media will give you an advantage with this generation of workers. Here are 6 things you should do with social media to engage […]

Over 1/3 of Employers Would Rather Hire a Robot or AI Than a Recent Graduate

A new survey conducted by Workplace Intelligence in collaboration with Hult International Business School illustrates the sour outlook employers have for recent graduates. The study found that 37% of employers would prefer hiring a robot or AI over a recent college graduate. This striking statistic reflects growing concerns about the preparedness of new entrants to […]

American Airlines Makes Big Investment in Employee Training

The opportunity for training and development is high on the list of the things today’s employees value and companies are taking notice. In fact, given the impact of technology and other external impacts, companies can’t afford not to prioritize training and development. Most are not. In fact, they’re investing significant time, money, and effort in […]

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way to Offer Additional Employee Perks

In today’s increasingly competitive job market, employers are continuously seeking ways to enhance employee benefits and attract top talent. While health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off are essential components of any benefits package, some companies are now offering a less conventional yet highly valuable perk: estate planning services. This benefit not only promotes […]

Beware of Union-Organizing Pitfalls

On October 14, 2024, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced that the number of union organizing petitions filed from October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024, increased nearly 30% from the same period the year before and more than doubled from the same period in 2021. Why Have Union Certification Petitions Increased? A significant […]

Is the Great Resignation Making a Comeback in 2025?

Employers and managers undoubtedly haven’t forgotten the so-called Great Resignation, the large-scale exodus of employees that began in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and was only declared over in mid-2023. Now, as we enter 2025, some labor market observers are predicting a resurgence of the Great Resignation. Is it possible that the widespread attrition […]

Why 2025 will be a Pivotal Year for Benefits

The relationship between employees and companies is in the middle of a fundamental transformation — and this transformation will only gain momentum in 2025. Employees are demanding to be treated as unique individuals with their own concerns, financial goals, and professional aspirations. They want holistic support that covers everything from work-life balance to financial well-being. […]

‘Rethinking’ Training: Consider a Cognitive Spin

I just finished reading Magic Words: What to Say to Get Your Way, by Jonah Berger, a marketing professor at the Wharton School of Business. It’s especially useful to HR professionals, who are often tasked with training duties and helping improve employee performance. Here are three training gems Berger offers. Gem #1: Leverage the Power […]