

New Leadership Focus: Sleep Leadership

Corporate norms evolve over time; sometimes, these norms are beneficial for workers’ overall well-being, and sometimes, they are detrimental. In general, though, the driving force behind such shifts is the best interest of the companies employing these workers. For example, until fairly recently, putting in long hours at the office was the norm, and those […]


Study Sheds Light on Disclosing Salary Info in Job Listings

One of the biggest criticisms employers are subjected to revolves around their transparency in job postings, especially when it comes to salary ranges. The argument from employees is that not providing a salary range makes it harder for them to determine what jobs are worthwhile financially. On the other side of the coin, employers often […]

Will Business Travel Ever Become the Norm Again?

The business trip was once such a fundamental aspect of corporate life that it was a staple of popular culture, including launching points for storylines in the film industry. Today, of course, things are much different. Restrictions on in-person gatherings and corporate-level and individual-level fears of COVID-19 transmission and air travel mean that traveling for […]

Unconditional Offer to Reinstate Employee Prevents Wrongful Discharge Claim

I often receive calls from employers that say they just met with an employee to talk about job performance, the session didn’t go well, and now the company has received a bizarre communication from the individual and doesn’t know how to proceed. After I’ve read the message and talked with the employer, it becomes clear […]

Combating Unconscious Bias Through Blind Recruiting

As companies continue to recognize the value of diversity and inclusion (D&I), they’re also coming to understand the extent to which systemic biases exist in their hiring and HR infrastructures. Recruitment structures and the individuals within them, despite their best efforts, often favor some groups over others. Something as simple as an applicant’s name or […]


The Importance of Providing Employees with Uptraining Opportunities

Many companies are operating with a tighter budget in the wake of the pandemic. As such, business leaders have to make priority-driven decisions about how to spend their money, and where to allocate resources. This might lead some managers and decision-makers to skip uptraining opportunities for their employees in 2022. After all, your employees already […]

Is Hybrid Work All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

Amid the stress and logistical challenges of remote work that have emerged in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of “hybrid” work has exploded in popularity. While some commentators embrace fully remote work and others lament the loss of in-office collaboration, hybrid work, which includes some time spent in the office and some […]

Tips for Navigating Pay Raise Roller Coaster in 2022

The apparent lack of qualified workers has become a well-publicized conundrum during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can’t drive by a retail establishment without seeing a “help wanted” sign in the window. Theories abound about why jobs are going unfilled. It’s common to assume the answer is to offer higher pay rates. Although the variables in […]

How One HR Pro is Helping Talent Successfully Fly the Coop

Kathryn Minshew has always been fascinated when asked, “What do you want to do with your life?” When she was younger, Minshew was captivated by stories of CIA agents, ambassadors, and television characters like Alias’ Sydney Bristow – so she thought the answer to that thought-provoking question was the U.S. foreign service. However, it wasn’t […]