
The Heath Care Reform Summit and the Future of Reform

Days after President Barack Obama released his own health care reform proposal, he presided over a health care reform summit on Thursday that both Democrats and Republicans attended. The summit was supposed to help the parties find common ground on the issue of health care reform and allow them to discuss their views. Although the […]

Payroll Tax Exemption for New Hires?

The U.S. Senate recently voted 62-30 vote to end debate on legislation that would give employers a payroll tax exemption for hiring new employees in 2010. The vote to end debate clears the way for a final vote on the legislation. Join us this fall in San Francisco for the California Employment Law Update conference, […]

Where’s the Jobs?

Remember, the “Where’s the beef?” commercials Wendy’s restaurants began running in 1984? The advertising slogan soon became a catch phrase anytime someone wanted to question the substance of an idea or product. It seems to me, with apologies to my middle school English teacher, “Where’s the jobs?” is an appropriate slogan for the current, so-called […]

Employee Handbook Helper: Communicating Policy Changes

Employers should regularly revise and modify their employment policies and employee handbooks as the law changes and as their operational needs dictate. Once you make policy changes, however, should you communicate them to your employees? If so, how? This article provides tips on how to best communicate policy changes to employees. Audit your policies and […]

Clerk’s Discrimination Claim for Sexual Stereotyping Checks Hotel into Court

Brenna Lewis worked part-time as a front desk clerk for Heartland Inns in Altoona and Ankeny, Iowa. She did a great job — at least according to her direct supervisors. She was well liked by customers and fit in well in the position. Based on those accolades, she was offered and accepted a full-time day […]

8 Reasons It’s a ‘He-Session,’ Not a Recession

By Roxanne Rivera Just My E-Pinion Some statistics indicate that the recent recession has been harder on men than women. Author Roxanne Rivera explains why women might have a better chance at busting through the recession. The recession has been difficult for most Americans. But has it affected men more than women? Recent statistics from […]

10 Critical "Compensable Factors" in Job Descriptions

In yesterday’s Advisor, we talked about the three different job descriptions most jobs have. Today, we’ll look at 10 specific factors you can evaluate as you work to unite those three job descriptions into one. These 10 elements describe the specific job requirements in terms of “compensable factors.” You can use these factors to gauge […]

California Supreme Court Resolves KinCare Issue

As every California employer knows, our state’s employment laws are unique. One unique feature is the KinCare law — which permits employees to use some of their accrued paid sick leave to care for ill family members. Sick leave that is used by an employee under the KinCare law cannot be counted against the employee […]

Every Job Has 3 Job Descriptions

Every job has at least three job descriptions: the company’s (the written one on file), the boss’s (rarely the same), and the employee’s (the one that describes what he or she actually does). In an ideal world, they would all be the same. But in the real world, they aren’t the same, and that causes […]