
Contracts: How Did We End Up Creating an Oral Contract?

I thought we had an “at-will” relationship with our employees, but recently, we got sued and the court found that the employee had an “implied contract” with us. Now we want to be sure that we’re not creating contracts we don’t want and that we do have contracts we need. How should we move forward? […]

Health Benefits: A Look at Recent HIPAA Developments

If you have an employer-sponsored health plan, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest information about the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act, or HIPAA—which imposes requirements regarding the security of medical information, nondiscrimination in health plans, and much more. We’ll take a look at HIPAA developments that are new for 2007.

HR Bonanza

Last night’s five episode marathon of The Office was an HR executive’s nightmare!  Below, I’ve blogged about the litigation value of each of the five episodes separately — four of which are entirely new entries as the episodes were from previous seasons.  While they aired as individual episodes, if these incidents were to occur in […]