
News Notes: Benefits Plan Singling Out Workers On Medical Leave Violates ERISA

When Professional Risk Management acquired Applied Risk Management, the companies’ agreement provided for all active Applied employees to automatically be transferred to Professional without a break in health benefits coverage. But workers on medical, disability or other extended leave weren’t transferred until they returned to active duty, and they consequently lost health coverage until they […]

Bulletin Item: New Hourly Rates for Certain Exempt Professionals

As of Jan. 1, 2003, the new hourly rate that you must pay certain computer software professionals in order for them to qualify for overtime exemption will be $43.58. And the new hourly rate for exempt licensed physicians and surgeons paid on an hourly basis will be $56.21. The California Department of Industrial Relations adjusts […]

E-Alert Item: Most Employers Don’t Offer Holiday Bonuses, Survey Shows

According to a new survey from human resource consulting firm Hewitt Associates, most companies don’t offer holiday bonuses. Out of 432 employers surveyed, 67% won’t offer any type of bonus for the holidays this year–this includes cash, food or other types of gifts. Since 1999, the percentage of employers not offering bonuses has hovered between […]

E-Alert Item: New Opinion Letter Explains Guidelines for Paying Exempt Workers During Temporary Shutdowns

If you’re planning to close your doors for the holidays to help trim costs, and you want exempt employees to use up their accrued vacation during this period, you may want to review whether your plans comply with state wage and hour rules regarding exempt employees. A recent opinion letter from the state Division of […]

E-Alert Item: Bush Administration Proposes Rules on Converting to Cash-Balance Plans Without Violating Age-Bias Laws

When employers convert traditional retirement plans to cash balance plans, the conversion often results in less money for workers who are closer to retirement age. And, as a result, cash balance plans have come under fire in recent years as being unfair to older workers–and possibly illegal under federal age bias laws. But the Bush […]

E-Alert Item: New Employer Sued for Unfair Competition Can’t Delay Arbitration Between Employee and Former Employer

After Nancy Duitch left her position as president of One World Networks Integrated Technologies to work at Buckhead Marketing, she entered into arbitration with One World over a series of disputes involving wages owed to her, and unfair competition claims by One World. One World also sued Buckhead Marketing for unfair competition. Buckhead Marketing then […]

E-Alert Item: High Court Won’t Review Vegan’s Case

In the November 2002 article, we reported on a California appeals court ruling that veganism–which is the refusal to eat and use any animal products–doesn’t qualify as a religion under state workplace discrimination laws. Now the California Supreme Court has refused the vegan’s plea to review the appellate court’s decision. As a result of the […]

E-Alert Item: DOL Says Insurance Adjusters Not Entitled to Overtime Pay

The federal Department of Labor has said in a recent opinion letter, which was issued in response to an insurance industry group’s inquiry, that adjusters qualify for the administrative exemption from overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The opinion reaffirms the DOL’s position on this issue, and was based on the DOL’s review of […]