
The Power of Boundaries in Open Communication

The value of communication cannot be understated. Learning how to connect with employees and leaders and knowing where the boundaries of that communication exist require strong communication skills. When HR successfully navigates that space, it stitches together leaders, managers, and employees in a powerful way.


In Defense of Not-My-Jobism

One of the most derided phrases in the workplace is “that’s not my job.” It’s been assumed that those who use this phrase are unwilling to help their colleagues for the benefit of the broader team and company and are indifferent to problems that don’t precisely fit their job descriptions. The lack of ownership captured […]


Solo Practitioner’s Assistant Wins Sexual Harassment Suit

An attorney with a solo legal practice got what was coming to him when his legal assistant finally sued him after years of relentless and horrific mistreatment. She was awarded almost $200,000 in damages. You’re unlikely to feel any sympathy for the attorney, but you can try to learn a thing or two from his […]


Employers Likely to Seek Exceptions in $15 Minimum Wage Bill

Employers are getting a look at a bill that would set a $15-an-hour federal minimum wage by 2025. The bill, which is in line with President Joe Biden’s call for an increase in the federal minimum, which has stood at $7.25 since 2009, is likely to spur calls for relief from certain employers, according to […]

Health System’s Chief Diversity Officer Sees Her Role as a Bridge and Resource

Jeanetta Darno began her job as chief diversity and inclusion officer at Cincinnati’s UC Health in January 2020. The role was new to the health system, which is affiliated with the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, but the work wasn’t new to Darno, who began leading diversity and inclusion efforts more than 20 years […]


EEOC Announces 2021 Schedule for EEO Data Collection

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently announced the upcoming opening of four EEO data collections. The agency collects workplace data from public and private employers meeting certain thresholds annually but had previously delayed collection of the 2019 and 2020 data because of the pandemic.


Strengthen the Backbone of Your Business: Your Management Team

The health of your backbone is something most people rarely think about—until it demands their attention. That occurs when there is an unfortunate injury or when their back goes out and they suddenly decide it’s time to pay attention and give their backbone the care and maintenance it sorely needs.


Tips for Protecting Yourself from Digital Overload

It seems like every 5 seconds; our phones send barrages of notifications our way. It’s a familiar feeling, wading through the mire of home screens or inboxes for important information. The world is speeding up at an exponential rate, and our devices deliver the information 24/7, 365, with breakneck efficiency.