

Making Connections in a Virtual World: Creating a Remote Internship Program

For Webster Bank, the decision to retain our summer intern program was easy. The program is a pipeline to future bankers, and it is part of an overall corporate strategy to promote career growth and development among all of our bankers. We also decided that if we were going to move ahead with the program, […]


4th Circuit Lets Facebook Employee’s Race Claim Proceed

The U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, which covers Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia, recently held a trial court erred in dismissing a Facebook employee’s claim he was turned down for a promotion based on his race. The case demonstrates why promotion decisions should be made according to clear, written guidelines […]


Leadership: The Risk of Giving Too Much Information to Staff

In the modern workplace, companies increasingly encourage transparency with employees. For example, by keeping staff up to date on dynamic situations like COVID-19 impacts to the company, economic concerns, or even potential layoffs, companies can avoid stirring up the rumor mill or creating additional anxiety.


How to Create Engagement Among Distributed Workers

Employers across the nation are learning that the remote work “experiment,” brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, may actually be a favorable alternative to the typical office environment. While remote workers have proven they can successfully get work done while working from home, one challenge still remains: How do you keep remote workers engaged? And […]


How to Navigate COVID-19 Protocols to Ensure Health and Safety in the Workplace

As some employees return from working remotely and others continue to work from their facility, there are many regulations and policies that managers and supervisors need to instate to ensure employee health and safety. New federal, state, and local health and safety requirements continue to evolve as companies remain laser-focused on providing a safe working environment for all.


Cyberthieves Use Pandemic to Pry, Pounce on Your Data

As COVID-19 spreads around the globe, cybersecurity and data privacy risks are expanding for employers. Read on to learn some simple steps you can take to address and mitigate the dangers.


Recruiting Self-Sabotage

Employers recruiting today are faced with candidates who have lots of ways to find jobs, easy access to information about employers, and lots of options, despite high unemployment levels. This means employers still need to be diligent in their recruiting process. Unfortunately, there are a lot of ways recruiters may be self-sabotaging their own efforts.

The Pandemic Has Made Compassionate Leadership Almost Mandatory

Over the past 6 months, employee needs have become more front and center for business leaders than ever before. With so many employees worOver the last half of the year, business leaders have found the needs of their employees to be more front and center than ever before. With so many working from home, leaders […]


Seeking Employee Input on New Technology Acquisitions

Implementing the right technology can make a huge difference in a company’s success. Technologies that have strong synergies with the organization and its people can leverage and amplify competitive advantages and set a business apart from its competitors.


Productive vs. Unproductive Conflict in the Workplace

Our workplaces have a conflict problem. Over half of all employees (57%) have left a conflict situation with negative feelings—most commonly, demotivation, anger, or frustration—according to the “CPP Global Human Capital Report.”