
5 Key Strategies for Affordable Family-Forming Benefits

A convergence of several megatrends has cast a spotlight on employers’ need to be more strategic about recruitment and retention of top talent. One answer is through more robust and personalized benefit packages that are accessible and affordable. A tightening U.S. labor market continues to challenge HR departments and C-suites alike. Mounting frustration over pandemic […]

Offices of the Future Will Be Uniquely Tailored to Each Company

What will the office of the future look like? That question has been debated extensively since the onset of the pandemic, which saw a dramatic shift to remote and hybrid work models. But according to architect Christian Giordano, President and Co-owner of 100+-year-old national design firm Mancini Duffy, there won’t be any one-size-fits-all solution. “It […]

Planning for Workforce Reductions in an Age of Inflation

With inflationary pressures and lingering fears of a recession, 2023 has seen layoffs in nearly every sector of the economy. But layoffs have their own price tag, which often includes severance payments to affected employees, loss of institutional knowledge, diminished employee morale, and reputational harm. Before committing to a reduction in force, employers should consider […]

The Top 5 Pitfalls of Screening and Interviewing

Employers want to find the best candidates for the roles they’re hiring for in the least amount of time without increasing the risk and costs associated with bad hires. Screening and interviewing are both tools in the hiring toolbox that allow employers to identify suitable candidates. These mechanisms aren’t without their own limitations. That is, […]

Feed-Forward vs. Feedback: A Matter of Semantics?

There’s a lot of talk of feed forward replacing feedback. Why? Simply put, the vast majority of people don’t like feedback—neither giving it nor receiving it. Why is that? Our brains are programmed to avoid conflict unless it’s a direct threat to our safety. If we’re feeling safe and work is moving forward, why introduce […]

What Employers Need to Know About the New Workplace Violence Prevention Standards

On September 30, 2023, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill (SB) 553, creating new workplace violence prevention standards in California. The law consists of the first general industry workplace violence prevention requirement in the United States. Under the law—specifically Labor Code Section 6401.9—California employers must implement workplace violence prevention plans tailored to their specific workplaces. […]

That’s a Wrap on HR Learning & Development Week 2023

From November 13 to 17, we spent a full week focusing on learning and development! As the week comes to a close, we’re taking a look back at all our online events and digital resources that helped HR leaders level up employee training. Monday Panel Discussion | Building a Learning Culture: Optimizing L&D for a Successful Workplace […]

Faces of HR: Best of L&D Leadership

It’s Learning & Development Week at HR Daily Advisor—and we couldn’t be more excited to share the timely news and insights with our dedicated HRDA audience. For our Faces of HR column this week, we look back at some of our favorite Faces and share their expert commentary and insights from the front lines of […]

Building Your Digital Onboarding Toolbox Now and in the Future

Onboarding, or the process of helping new employees become fully integrated, contributing members of an organization, is often thought of as one of the most important steps in HR management. Why? Because how HR managers handle a new hire’s first few months can be critical to the employee’s longer-term success. Organizations lose 17% of new […]

The State of Unions in the American Economy 

After years of decline, the organized labor movement has been seeing a resurgence, with attention-grabbing headlines making waves across various industries and locales. From auto workers to Hollywood’s glitterati, the call for better working conditions, fair pay, and respect in the workplace is loud and clear. However, this surge comes against a backdrop of declining […]