Author: Guest Columnist

Employee Handbooks Represent a Vital Link in the Cybersecurity Chain

by Eduard Goodman, chief privacy officer for IDT911 When it comes to cybersecurity, two factors are coming together in a worrying way. One lurks in the results of a survey, conducted by the Association of Corporate Counsel, that shows employee error is the leading cause of data breaches. The other was revealed in research carried […]

Training Your Seasonal Customer Service Team

Yesterday’s Advisor presented 3 tips for improving your information technology (IT) training; today we’re taking a look at best practices for training seasonal customer care representatives. While the holidays may be over, the busy summer season will soon be here!

To Lump Sum or Not to Lump Sum: What to Consider When Choosing a Relocation Compensation Package

by Lisa Johnson, global practice leader for consulting services at Crown World Mobility After years of staying put due to the stagnant economy, the improved current economic conditions have resulted in more and more workers—confident in the job market and willing to move to new places and take chances—happily relocating for new jobs. With this […]

Roth 401(k) Accounts Add Value Through Tax Diversification

by Lisa Higgins, Contributing Editor Have you given your employees every opportunity to reach a secure retirement? There is one simple strategy you may not be using that could make a real difference: the Roth account. According to a survey from Willis Towers Watson, Capturing the Opportunity of Roth 401(k) Contributions, What Employees Are Missing […]