Author: L&D Daily Advisor Staff

Break Your Training Transfer Barriers!

Every employer wants its training to stick. After all, what’s the use of training if employees aren’t able to apply the skills that they’ve learned on the job? However, training transfer isn’t a given. So, what are the most common barriers to training transfer, and how can they be avoided?


Terminating Employees and Preventing FMLA Retaliation Claims

Employees may bring two types of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)-related claims against their employers: first, interference with their rights under the FMLA, and, second, retaliation against them for requesting time off under the FMLA, exercising rights under it, or making a claim.

Attention Employers: Millennials Are Unhappy and Plan to Quit in 6 Months

Millennials are more likely than GenXers or Boomers to quit their job in the next 6 months, and nearly one-third of them say that is exactly what they plan to do. A new survey by Clutch, a B2B ratings and reviews site, finds that Millennials more often report less job fulfillment than the generations of […]


Improve Employee Retention Rates with These 7 Tips

by Miranda Nicholson, director of HR, Formstack Employee retention is not only valuable to company culture, but essential to the bottom line: turnover can cost a business as much as 150% of a position’s annual salary. The Human Resources team is essential to maintaining employee satisfaction and engagement, and their work is never finished. With […]

D.C. Approves Paid Family Leave Bill

The District of Columbia (D.C.) Council approved a bill on December 20, requiring employers to give workers 8 weeks’ paid leave for the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child. Employers will pay for the leave through a payroll tax.

Oriole Park Concession Employees Strike Out with FLSA Claims

by Kevin C. McCormick In a recent decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit found that the employees who worked concessions at Oriole Park at Camden Yards were not entitled to overtime compensation under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) because a concessionaire is an “amusement or recreational establishment” exempt from the […]

The Five P’s of Safety Training

For some training goals, such as refreshers after a near-miss incident or reminders of seasonal hazards, shorter may be better when it comes to your training sessions. Use the simple Five P Plan to quickly and effectively affect employee safety behavior.