Author: Guest Columnist


Preventing Whistleblowers in the Workplace: OSHA Expands the Rights of Whistleblowers

by Kara M. Maciel, Esq. and Dan Deacon, Esq., Conn Maciel Carey  In part one of this article, we focused on how the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has become more aggressive in its whistleblower enforcement efforts. Together, the EEOC and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have recently taken steps to make it […]

10 More HR Practices That Reduce the Effectiveness of Employee Referral Programs

By Dr. John Sullivan The very best employee referral programs (ERPs) produce simply amazing results. But unfortunately many corporate programs were designed years before we had so much data covering what makes the programs effective. In the last article, we looked at 10 HR practices that were hurting your ERPs. Here, we’ll look at 10 […]

2nd Circuit Scrutinizes Worker’s Inconsistent Claims About His Disability

by Zachary Morahan and Shannon Kane, Coughlin & Gerhart, LLP To be eligible for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits, an individual must be unable to perform “past relevant work.” To be eligible to sue for disability discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, an individual must be able to perform the essential functions of […]


Targeting FMLA Fraud and Abuse: What is Fraud?

One of the biggest Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) frustrations for employers is what to do with an employee who appears to be abusing the law’s protections or, even worse, fraudulently using approved leave for non-FMLA purposes.

Active Listening: A Refreshing Foundation for Quality Conversations

by Denice R. Hinden, PhD, PCC, President, Managance Consulting & Coaching When I trained to be a crisis hotline volunteer in the early 1980s,  I had no idea I was developing a game changing leadership skill.  The first thing we learned was how to listen deeply to callers to make a connection. That meant focusing […]

ADA Implementation: Common Misconceptions

We recently looked at some issues that arise when the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and leave laws overlap (see ADA Leave Issues: Attendance Bonuses, COBRA, and More). Today, we’ll address some common misconceptions about the law.

Leadership Mindset Matters Most in a Crisis

by Denice R. Hinden, PhD, PCC, President, Managance Consulting & Coaching August 20, 1992 the weather forecast predicted a big hurricane making landfall in the City of Miami, Florida.  As the deputy director of the local emergency shelter for runaway and homeless youth, we decided to move our residents in Miami further south to the […]


‘Unlawful’ Overtime Rule Temporarily Blocked

A federal district court temporarily blocked the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) overtime rule November 22, just days before it was scheduled to take effect. The judge who issued the order called the regulation “unlawful” and said such actions should be left to Congress.


HIPAA Experts Highlight Recent ‘Spike’ in Enforcement

A recent surge in monetary Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) settlements is altering the compliance landscape at a time when new technical and legal challenges also are coming into play, practitioners and regulators told a recent conference.


Appeals Court: Same-Sex Spouse Had No COBRA Notice Claim

by Gwen Cofield To have standing to sue an employer for a Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) notice violation, the individual alleging the violation must be either a participant or a beneficiary, as those terms are defined in Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). COBRA coverage is designed to continue, for a limited time, […]