Author: HR Daily Advisor Staff

Contractor Minimum Wage Increasing to $10.20

Federal contractors and subcontractors must pay their employees at least $10.20 per hour beginning January 1, an increase of 5 cents over the 2016 wage. Tipped workers, however, will receive almost a $1.00 increase, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced September 20 in the Federal Register.

States, Business Groups File Suits to Halt DOL Overtime Rule

By Kate McGovern Tornone, Editor Twenty-one states and several employer interest groups filed lawsuits against the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) September 20, alleging that the agency’s new overtime regulations exceed its authority. The suits, however, are not expected to have any success in the near future and employers would be well-served to be in […]

3 More Tips for a Positive Leadership Ripple Effect

By Anita Bowness In yesterday’s Advisor, Anita Bowness, business consulting global practice leader for Halogen Software, discussed the leadership ripple effect and provided two tips for ensuring these ripples affect your organization in a positive way. Today Bowness has three more tips for our readers.

David vs. Goliath: Leveraging Your Small Business to Recruit Top Candidates

By Rebecca Barnes-Hogg, SPHR, SHRM-SCP For a small business trying to recruit high quality candidates, it can seem like David battling Goliath. The good news is that your small business can hire top candidates without spending thousands of dollars on employer branding, recruiters, or advertising. Small businesses have a great opportunity to hire some of […]

6 Best Practices for Making Quality Hiring Decisions Quickly

By Adam Ochstein, founder and CEO of StratEx We are in a candidate-driven market, but few companies are adjusting their hiring processes to attract them. In fact, The Wall Street Journal recently reported that employers are taking nearly twice as long to extend offers compared to a few years ago.

4 Strategies to Close the Corporate Culture Chasm

By Joseph Grenny It was time for the annual employee engagement survey and Daniel was eager to see the results from his team. He had a good rapport with his direct reports and had worked hard to foster a good vibe. He was sure his team’s positive scores would serve to show his higher-ups that […]

The Ripple Effect of Leadership

By Anita Bowness Leadership roles are tough, and the actions of a leader have a ripple effect that can be felt throughout the organization. Here with tips for ensuring this ripple effect is positive for your company is an article by Halogen Software’s Anita Bowness, who is the global practice leader for Business Consulting.

Tell Workers It’s Okay to Recharge Their Batteries

Have you ever received a battery-operated gift only to discover you didn’t have the batteries required to make it work? If so, you understand the initial excitement that came with the gift and the corresponding disappointment of realizing that without the energy source, the gift was completely useless.