Author: Jennifer Carsen, J.D., Senior Legal Editor

Don’t Expect Interviewees to Wait Around

A recent study by Robert Half says that interviewees find waiting to hear back from a company is the most frustrating part. If they haven’t heard back in a week or two, they’ll move on to other companies. While we are in a talent crisis, can companies afford to lose quality talent because they didn’t […]

I-9 Completion—A Tricky (but Important!) Subject

By Holly Jones, JD The I-9 form is one of the most crucial parts of legal compliance in hiring. It’s important that your Human Resources (HR) staff is trained to do it right, because one wrong step can result in hefty fines. Here with some of the ins and outs of I-9s is an analysis […]

joint employer

Ask the Expert: Can Exemption Salary Threshold Be Met Between Two Employers?

We have an employee who works for two different companies with separate EINs (Employee Identification Numbers) but under common management–i.e. the same parent company–for insurance purposes. Can a combination of both salaries the employee earns be used to meet the exemption salary threshold requirements under the new overtime rule?  The employee earns $30k at each […]

time card

Employees Think Traditional 9-To-5 Is A Thing of the Past, Says Survey

A typical work day historically involved 8 consecutive hours of effort for full-time workers, but today, most don’t stop working when the clock hits 5 p.m. According to a new survey from CareerBuilder, nearly three in five workers (59%) believe the traditional 9-to-5 work day is a thing of the past. Forty-five percent of workers […]

Four Ways You Can Close the Corporate Culture Chasm

By Joseph Grenny In yesterday’s Advisor, Joseph Grenny, cofounder of VitalSmarts, revealed some of his company’s research into the culture gap between leaders and employees. Today Grenny presents four strategies for bridging this chasm and fostering better communication between employees at all levels within the organization.

Breaking Borders: 5 Ways Analytics Can Help Drive ROI of Global Benefits

While analytics have become popular in the world of HR, the ability to analyze and gain actionable insights into global benefits and reward data has remained largely unexplored. Until recently, that is. Organizations are now starting to realize that they need to demonstrate concrete ROI on their benefits spend, especially since benefits make up such […]