Category: Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) is an important and ongoing strategy of any HR plan. Ensuring that your company supports hiring, engaging, and retaining diverse workers with varied backgrounds will set your company up for long-term success and an increased bottom line. This topic offers the latest strategies for talent management, key insights from diversity leaders, case studies on D&I in the workplace, and more.

Case Study: Examining DEI One Year After SFFA v. Harvard/UNC

In a momentous decision overturning decades of precedents, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in SFFA v. Harvard/UNC last year that the use of race in college admissions violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Harvard) and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment (UNC). While the decision was focused on higher […]

The Crumbling of DEI: What Does It Mean for the Future of Work?

The recent decision by Lowe’s to scale back its DEI initiatives, driven by external pressure, has sent shockwaves through the corporate world. Unfortunately, this trend is not isolated. We’re witnessing a disturbing pattern of cuts to DEI teams and a decline in prioritization of these initiatives across various industries. What does this mean for the future of the workforce? How will […]

More DEI Backtracking

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) had a hugely successful few years in the corporate space. DEI was all the rage among corporate execs and HR professionals, and corporations were spending big bucks on chief diversity officers (CDO) and DEI teams. Lately, however, DEI has been on the retreat, with many high-profile companies backtracking on DEI […]

Eric Thomas: Spearheading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Genesys

Eric Thomas, Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at Genesys, has a robust background in various leadership roles across different industries. With a bachelor’s degree in business from Eastern New Mexico University, along with an executive management certificate from the London Business School, Thomas’ diverse experiences uniquely position him to lead Genesys’ diversity, equity, and […]

Multigenerational Study Reveals Employees’ Distinct Perspectives on Benefits

From Zoomers to Boomers, today’s workplace comprises four generations with divergent views and perceptions of their employment. What’s on the minds of this increasingly broad employee base as it continues to skew younger and benefit needs become even more nuanced? ARAG, a leading provider of legal insurance, recently conducted the Multigenerational Workforce Study 2024 to […]

Case Study: Employee Challenges DEI Training Video—But Neglects to Watch It

In recent months, many employers have faced increased scrutiny of and challenges to their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, including claims that the programs amount to “reverse discrimination.” In a recent decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit (which covers Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin) rejected an employee’s reverse discrimination claim under […]

EEOC Offers Employers a Hobson’s Choice on Employee Training

Training. Training, training, training. We all appreciate the practical importance of training. It can certainly help eliminate pesky and undesirable workplace issues. Heck, it can even help create a desirable workplace for employees. Set aside the practical benefits of training—e.g., relaying fairly obvious no-nos to a room typically containing persons inexplicably unaware of obvious no-nos—and […]

Older worker at desk

The Growing Importance of Older Workers 

As Baby Boomers continue to reach retirement age at a breakneck pace and the American economy continues to expand and add jobs, there’s growing concern over skills gaps and labor shortages. What’s helping to mitigate this demographic trend is the increased willingness of older workers to stay in the workforce in one capacity or another.  […]

5 Tips to Avoid Being Weird Around Your LGBTQ Coworkers

It’s a fact that more inclusive organizations can be more successful. Inclusive teams exhibit a 35% productivity boost over non-inclusive teams. Moreover, inclusive companies are 1.7 times more likely to be innovative and generate 2.3 times more cash flow per employee, according to Josh Bersin. So why wouldn’t you want to promote increased inclusivity throughout […]

From HR to DEI Champion: Carol Lewis’s Impactful Strategy at MRI Software

With SHRM’s announcement that it was changing its use of the acronym DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) to I&D (inclusion and diversity) recently, along with some major companies publicly pulling back on their I&D efforts, some might feel that these efforts are no longer valued or important. That’s far from the case. Over the past […]