Category: HR Management & Compliance

There are dozens of details to take care of in the day-to-day operation of your department and your company. We give you case studies, news updates, best practices and training tips that keep your organization fully in compliance with ever-changing employment law, and you fully aware of emerging HR trends.

An HR Professional’s 5 Biggest Mistakes

An HR consultant who used to be a line manager describes the services he needed most … and least … from his HR partners. In preparing Daily Advisor, we read a lot of material by outside HR consultants. It’s good stuff, but because most have always been HR professionals, their view is largely from one […]

Get a Seat at the Executive Table … and Know What to Do With It!

To win HR a place in senior management, career experts say learn the overall business … and express yourself in the language that senior executives speak. If there’s anything HR professionals have asked for again and again over the years, it’s that elusive “seat at the executive table.” Well, guess what? With more organizations realizing […]

Paid FMLA Leave: Our Readers Talk Back!

By BLR Founder and CEO Bob Brady Bob’s support of Family and Medical Act (FLMA) leave paid for by … somebody … generated a lot of heat … and several proposed solutions. Bob Brady is off covering a conference this week, so we thought we would give you a taste of the e-mails he’s received […]

Sexual Harassment: An Interactive Tool to Keep You Out of Trouble

An engaging program uses interactivity to help keep your employees from crossing that oh-so-important line into the danger zone. A recent Daily Advisor explained the concept of “preventive law,” which, like preventive medicine, seeks to avoid workplace legal trouble before it happens. There’s a lot of trouble to prevent. As the story noted, defending the […]

Discrimination: EEOC Says Job Bias Complaints Are Up

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has reported that it received 75,768 discrimination complaints against private-sector employers in 2006, up from 75,428 complaints in 2005. The increase is the first since 2002, and complaints alleging pregnancy discrimination and sexual harassment of men hit all-time highs. All charge categories edged up from 2005 figures, with […]

Want to Avoid Workplace Legal Troubles? Try ‘Preventive Law’

If you can avoid medical problems through preventive medicine, can you do the same for legal problems? There’s a whole community of lawyers who think so. These days, businesses are spending millions of dollars on wellness initiatives, in an effort to cut healthcare costs by stopping medical troubles before they happen. Another term for this […]

Feb. 27 Audio Conference to Detail Requirements – and Risks – of the New E-Storage Rules

Revised court procedures, now in effect, may forever change your way of storing e-mails and other e-messages. A special BLR audio-conference will tell you how you’re impacted. In January, BLR presented an audio conference on important changes in federal employment law for 2007. It was one of our best received events. As it turns out, […]

Now Hear This: ADA Covers “Invisible Disabilities,” Too

Even if you can’t see the results of a worker’s disability, you need to respect them, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Here are the rules to follow. Every time we look at the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), it seems there are additional disabilities being covered. That’s not really happening, of course. The […]