Category: Learning & Development

Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?

Despite Popularity of Remote Work, Employer Comfort Levels Still Shaky

Legions of office workers have been skipping the commute for a few years now, working remotely in the comfort of their homes and relying on technology to keep them connected to their colleagues. Especially during the pandemic, employers and employees alike were relieved that work could go on without people gathering in the office. But […]


Striking the Right Balance: Handling Summer Vacations at Work

With summer upon us, summer vacations are looming. While large companies can handle employee time off relatively easily, smaller firms may struggle. Even large companies with key personnel—or small teams within large organizations—may find it hard to juggle responsibilities to accommodate vacations. While it’s crucial for companies to encourage staff to take time off to […]

4 Ways to Support Employee Mental Health Year ‘Round

Employers and benefits professionals play a crucial role in helping organizations support the mental and physical wellbeing of employees, not only during notable times of workplace stress and pressure, but all year ‘round. When you consider recent data that shows 92% of people feel it’s important that their employer supports their mental health, the rationale […]

New Data Highlights Financial Toll of Toxic Workplaces

A toxic workplace can quietly drain a company’s resources, morale, and financial health. While most business leaders and people managers recognize toxic workplaces are bad for business, workplace toxicity is typically seen as a metric that’s hard to quantify. That can make it difficult to prompt corrective action. According to the new “State of Workplace […]

Measuring the Success of RTO Policies

It’s no secret that there has been a tug of war between employers and employees in the post-COVID era around return-to-office (RTO) efforts on the part of employers. While many employers would love to bring staff back to the office, a majority of employees prefer fully remote or at least hybrid work arrangements. And while […]

5 Actions HR Leaders Can Take to Stop Bullying Behavior at Work

Since the pandemic, most organizations are reporting an increase in bullying – in the office and online. According to a Workplace Bullying Institute survey in 2021, just a year into the pandemic, workplace bullying rose to 30% of employees directly experiencing it and 43% of those working online. This has caught most people by surprise; […]

Is eLearning the Key to Filling the Skilled Trade’s Gap?

While we’re already seeing how artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and other forms of generative technology have the potential to eliminate jobs and reshape the workforce, for the foreseeable future, there are many activities that will still need a trained, human touch. Whether it’s an oil change or maintenance on a vehicle, plumbing, and electrical work, […]

The Challenges Facing Gen Z in the Workplace

Generation Z is the future of the workforce. That’s not meant as some kind of puffery for this youngest cohort of workers; it’s a simple fact. Gen Z is already on par with Baby Boomers in terms of workforce participation numbers, and they’re expected to overtake Millennials sometime in the next 20 years. But many […]

Navigating Political Waters: Tips for Managing Political Discussions in the Workplace

In 2024, around the world, more voters will be electing leaders of their countries than in any time in history. The temptation to discuss politics in the workplace will probably be at an all-time high, but these conversations are fraught with peril. Here are a few ideas from an experienced conflict resolution professional about how […]

4 Time Management Techniques for Human Resources Professionals  

If you’re an HR leader, you’re well aware that time is a valuable asset. Your to-do list never seems to shrink, even as the clock keep sticking and the days turn into weeks.  You’ve got applicants to interview, new hires to onboard, and an employee base to tend to. Often, HR leaders are juggling multiple […]