Category: Learning & Development

Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?

How to Engage Young, Fresh Minds

Some of those individuals who have just left school or college and are looking for work will be the leaders of the future in business terms. So, if a company wishes to add new blood to their workforce, it’s an ideal time to find the best ways of engaging these young, fresh minds; to analyze […]

Why Gamification Works

Does your company use gamification as part of its training and development processes? If not, it may be losing out because gamification applies the elements and mechanics as used in gaming but in a nongaming manner.


State-of-the-Art Simulation Training Gives Employees Hands-On Experience

Many organizations are turning to virtual simulators to create realistic training scenarios and, in the process, help employees refine their skills and learn best practices. From computerized flight simulators for pilots to simulators that give healthcare professionals opportunities to practice lifesaving skills, the technology is proving to be a great benefit for a wide range […]

Create an Online Training Strategy that Works

Each employee will have very specific training requirements, so businesses must consider the diversity of their staff to maximize the benefits of any online training. Therefore, it makes sense to create a training strategy that provides variety and options that will develop the key characteristics of those employees as needed. No one learner is the […]

Company Leaders Optimistic About AI, Cognitive Technologies

A new survey conducted among 250 U.S. executives representing companies that are adopting artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive technologies do not see job loss as a key outcome of their efforts.  Nearly 7 in 10 (69%) expect very little (if any) job loss within the next 3 years, while 29% of these ‘cognitive aware’ executives […]


Accelerate Learning and Increase Knowledge Retention

Any business will want to maximize the benefits of their online training system and to achieve the best return on investment (ROI). This means ensuring that each learner who participates will inwardly absorb the information given to them, retaining it for future use rather than their forgetting it the moment they step away from the […]

Is It Time to Embrace Shiny New Buttons?

In life, generally, we are always seduced by the prospect of new, more exciting technology. The possibility of having technology that is bigger, better, and smarter than ever before is appealing, and with information technology (IT) being an integral part of modern-day working life, businesses are often tempted to think a new system will change […]

Why Managers Should Get Mobile

Managers are often dynamic in their outlook and forward-thinking, but any new investment, in particular, with training systems that may cost much but do not bring in financial revenue, there is a need for proven practicality.


Workers Identify Barriers to Closing the Skills Gap

In a new survey, 79% of U.S.  workers acknowledge there is a skills gap in the United States.  Notably, however, nearly the same percentage (78%) believe they have above average skills for their current job, and 80% think the workforce can be successfully reskilled to meet the demands of the job market.  So, why in […]