Category: Learning & Development

Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?

Gamify Your Workplace for Better Engagement

Yesterday’s Advisor revealed that 54% of employees surveyed have experienced mishaps during the onboarding process. Getting off on the wrong foot can really damage engagement at the critical moment. Today, gamification expert Tony Ventrice explains how you can fix engagement at your company. Ventrice is Behavior Lab cofounder and senior game systems designer at Badgeville, […]

Are Half of Your Employees Less than Thrilled with Their Onboarding? 5 Tips to Make the Process Smooth

It’s important for new employees to make a good first impression, but many companies don’t realize they also need to put their best foot forward. A new study suggests that a great many new hires are experiencing hiccups during their onboarding processes—and HR pros don’t seem to see the problem. Recent research from staffing firm […]

The Skinny on Interviewing Candidates with ADHD

In yesterday’s Advisor we discussed some of the implications of interviewing candidates who might have ADHD. Today we’ll look at what you can and cannot do during an interview before and after an offer is made. See yesterday’s article for more information on the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), as well as considerations […]

I’m Interviewing a Candidate with ADHD—What Do I Do?

What if, during an interview, an applicant asks you to bear with him or her because he or she has attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? What if you subsequently decided not to hire that candidate? Have you exposed your company to liability? When you consider that 1 in 25 adults has some form of ADHD, it’s […]

Aspiring Leaders Should Take Untraditional Paths, Become ‘Learning-Agile’

Individuals who want to increase their effectiveness at work and aspire to become leaders should consider taking a higher-risk, higher-reward path. Instead of moving surely and safely up the career ladder, they should cultivate “learning agility,” a quality related to being more extroverted, more focused, more original, more resilient, less accommodating, and—ultimately—more successful.

Cloud-Based Onboarding: Training Gone Tech!

Companies of all sizes are using cloud-based technology to augment their onboarding efforts and, as a result, they are making the process more engaging, fun, and effective, says Karl Mehta, CEO of EdCast, a personal learning network. “Everything is moving to the cloud.”