Category: Learning & Development

Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?

4 More Sins Your Supervisors and Managers Are Guilty of

In yesterday’s Advisor, we featured the first six sins of supervisors. Today, sins 7 through 10, plus an introduction to the all-things-HR-in-one website,®.   [Go here for sins 1 through 6.] Sin #7. Not Knowing and Not Enforcing Policies We’re busy now. Talk to me about that harassment business next week. If you think […]


10 Sins of Well-Meaning Supervisors

Sometimes it seems as though there are a thousand ways supervisors and managers—with the best of intentions—can practically beg for a lawsuit. We’ve distilled it down into 10 major sins you can talk to your supervisors about (and you might as well include your managers). Sin #1. Making Unlawful Preemployment Inquiries That’s an interesting accent […]

How Videos Help Training

Hilton Garden Inn ( has found out just how effective training videos can be. The hotel brand teamed up with Root, Inc. ( to create compelling internal training videos to support company initiatives. Two of their videos recently were named winners in the 34th annual Telly Awards. Hilton Garden Inn’s “You Can Count on Us […]

Work with Your Community to Train the Next Generation

Strong partnerships between employers, educational institutions, and local communities are essential for effective workforce training programs, according to a blog from the U.S. Commerce Department. Secretary Penny Pritzker had recently announced a strategic vision for the Department of Commerce, which includes a focus on ensuring that workers are prepared with the skills that employers need. […]

Top 10: Training Daily Advisor Year in Review

11 Stress Management Training Tips In yesterday’s Advisor, we looked at the statistics and signs of stress in the workplace. Today, we’ll present simple stress relief tips from a stress management expert—plus explore an extensive online library of prewritten safety training sessions all ready for your use. Could You Get Sued for Not Providing Adequate […]

Special from the Advanced Employment Issues Symposium in Las Vegas Subject: Practical Tools for Supervisory Training

training improves employee morale and productivity AND lessens the likelihood or severity (cost) of lawsuits, says attorney Franck Wobst. That’s a good return on investment. Wobst, who is a partner with Porter Wright in Columbus, Ohio, made his suggestions at the Advanced Employment Issues Symposium, held recently in Las Vegas. New supervisors and managers need […]

What Can Trainers Do to Ensure Success with Mobile Learning?

Some organizations think they are “doing mobile learning” simply if their employees can access training on a mobile device, says Scott McCormick, cofounder of Float Mobile Learning. Instead of focusing on the device, however, “the focus should be on content and how it can help the target audience.” While traditional e-learning is “a very linear […]

Tech Training for All Generations

Generation Y workers, more astute in their technology skills than any prior age group, are forcing employers to reevaluate how they hire, train, and equip current and future workforces. These were the findings of a new study, Generational Research on Technology and its Impact in the Workplace, just released by CompTIA, the nonprofit association for […]

Survey Says: Companies Plan to Invest More in Training

In addition to the 51 percent listed above, 35 percent of surveyed executives at companies that are facing a skills shortage acknowledge that they have not made a big enough investment in training in the past. The “Accenture 2013 Skills and Employment Trends Survey: Perspectives on Training” ( confirmed that the skills gap remains a […]

Freshen Up Your Refresher Training

Periodic refresher training is required by many Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards as well as by some employment laws. And even when it isn’t, refresher training is essential for keeping skills sharp and preventing a dangerous sense of complacency. Varying your techniques during refresher training will keep learners engaged. The most effective and cost-efficient […]