Category: Learning & Development

Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?

‘He’s back … in the lobby … with a gun’

In yesterday’s Advisor, we covered the first six of Attorney Barbara Meister Cummins’ Top 10 least desirable quotes from managers. Today, 7 through 10, plus we’ll introduce a unique 10-minute training program. Cummins, principal of the Law Offices of Barbara Meister Cummins in New York City, offered her Top 10 at a Human Resources Association […]

Top 10 Signs You’re About to Get Sued

In today’s Advisor, Attorney Barbara Meister Cummins shares the 10 most lawsuit-attracting lines she hears from managers. Fortunately, she says, managers can be easily trained to avoid them. Cummins, principal of the Law Offices of Barbara Meister Cummins in New York City, offered her remarks at a Human Resources Association of New York Legal Conference. […]

‘My Medication Makes Me Late’ Means Call Your Attorney

In yesterday’s Advisor, attorneys Tracy L. Cahill and Veronica T. von Grabow illustrated the advantages of an early call to an attorney. Today, we’ll get one more of their scenarios, a helpful checklist, and an introduction to a unique 10-minute training program. Cahill and von Grabow are attorneys in the Los Angeles offices of the […]

CONTACT and SMART Are Secrets to Performance Feedback

When an employee does not perform well and a manager needs to put something in writing, whether for a performance review or between evaluations, attorney Marie Burke Kenny recommends keeping two acronyms in mind: CONTACT and SMART. Kenny, appearing again in today’s Advisor courtesy of the Employer Resource Institute®, is a partner in the San […]

Where New Supervisors Make Their Worst Mistakes

In yesterday’s Advisor, we covered supervisor training tips from Jonna Contacos-Sawyer and Polly Heeter Wright. Today we’ll cover more tips and take a look at a unique product just for small HR departments. Contacos-Sawyer and Wright, both with HR Consultants, Inc., of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, suggest the following outline for briefing new supervisors about compliance. They […]

When Supervisors Fail, Their Fault or Yours?

A lot of new supervisors fail, but it’s usually not their fault. They simply don’t know how to be a supervisor until you teach them, say Jonna Contacos-Sawyer and Polly Heeter Wright. Contacos-Sawyer and Wright, both with HR Consultants, Inc., of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, suggest the following outline for briefing new supervisors about compliance. They gave […]

3 Keys to Preventing Harassment: Training, Training, and Training

Yesterday’s Advisor presented four sexual harassment scenarios. Today, we’ll look at two more, and introduce an efficient training tool that will help you eliminate harassment and other employee behavior challenges. (Go here for the first four scenarios. The scenarios are from training programs in the BLR® Employee Training Center.) Jake P Scares Penny R Penny […]

When HR Risks Multiply, Training Is Essential

By Patricia M. Trainor, J.D.BLR Legal Editor In yesterday’s Advisor, we began our look at the 12 biggest risks for HR in a down economy, as seen by attorney Allison West. Today, we’ll look at the final six of those risks and see how training is the key to avoiding them. West’s suggestions came during […]

When Is Harassment Illegal? (Hint: Who Cares?)

How far does harassment have to go before it’s illegal? "You don’t care," says Attorney Jonathan Segal, "because long before it’s illegal it’s inappropriate, and you want to stop it there." Segal, a partner in the Philadelphia law office of Duane Morris LLP, offered his remarks at the recent SHRM conference in New Orleans. In […]

Think Teen Workers Not Harassed? Think Again

Teens tend to be especially vulnerable to sexual harassment. They are new to the ways of the workplace and they are reluctant to report wrongdoing. However, although they may not be sure what their rights are, judges and juries surely will be. We turned to The HR Red Book® by BLR® for guidance. "Because of […]