Category: Learning & Development

Employees are valuing career development more than ever—it’s a sign that the company is willing to invest in their future. How are businesses approaching training today? What are their pain points, and what topics are being addressed in training?

New Supervisors—Ticking Time Bombs?

It’s clear that your supervisors are the first line of defense in preventing lawsuits, but don’t forget, that means they’re the first line of offense as well—the people in position to make the biggest and most costly mistakes. Your supervisors are good people, well meaning and capable. But especially when they are new, they don’t […]

I Taught Them, But They Didn’t Learn

It’s a pretty common scenario—you’ve gone through the motions of training, but the participants didn’t pay much attention. That’s a real problem with HR subjects, because the stakes are high. Today, with a nod to our sister publication Safety Daily Advisor, we’ll offer tips for getting—and holding—your audience’s attention. What’s the attention span of your […]

Can You Still Tell a Joke in the Office?

Yesterday’s Advisor presented attorney Jonathan Segal’s practical tips for dealing with harassment. Today, we continue with his comments on jokes in the office and his important messages for supervisors. Segal’s remarks came as part of his “Harassment Quiz” at SHRM’s recent Annual Convention and Exposition in New Orleans. Segal is a partner in the Philadelphia […]

How Many ‘F Bombs’ Before It’s Illegal?

How many “Fs” does it take until it’s illegal? “You don’t care,” says attorney Jonathan Segal, “because long before it’s illegal it’s unacceptable, and you should act.” It all depends, says Segal. Say someone just got some terrible news and he says, “Oh, f—.” Is that harassment? No, says Segal, but it may be inappropriate. […]

Making a Meaningful Mentoring Agreement

Successful mentoring relationships start with a clear agreement about goals, procedures, and limitations, says mentoring expert Lois Zachary. Too often mentors and mentees start off without doing enough preparationand end up with an unsatisfactory experience, she says. Zachary, author of The Mentor’s Guide and the recently published The Mentee’s Guide to Mentoring, provides guidelines for […]

Old Mentoring Model Replaced by Reciprocal Relationship

The old model of mentoring in which an older, more experienced worker passes on knowledge to a younger, less experienced worker, is being replaced by a new model, says mentoring expert Lois Zachary. The new mentoring depends on a reciprocal learning relationship, she says. Zachary, author of The Mentor’s Guide and the recently published The […]

Phone Screens, Testing, and a Bonus Timesaver

Yesterday’s Advisor covered three of our five keys for saving time with job candidates. Today, we’ll look at two more (plus a bonus) and get a look at a unique timesaving training system. 4. Qualify by Phone Before investing your time (and the candidate’s) in a face-to-face interview, qualify the candidates further by means of […]

"Satisfactory" really means "poor," Your Honor.

There’s nothing quite like an untrained manager’s documentation. Yesterday’s Advisor presented attorney Allison West’s first four principles of “bulletproof documentation.” Today, we’ll see steps 5 through 7 of the bulletproofing process, and take a look at a unique new training program. West shared her seven principles for bulletproof documentation during a recent BLR® audio conference. West […]

‘Weak documentation … I find for plaintiff’

Documentation. It should be one of management’s easiest tasks, yet it’s often done poorly or not at all. And there’s nothing like inadequate documentation to derail the defense in an employee lawsuit. Attorney Allison West shared her seven principles for bulletproof documentation during a recent BLR® audio conference. West is a principal with Employment Practices […]

The Dangerous First Year for New Supervisors

New supervisors have a lot to learn about managing their people, and that’s to say nothing of the welter of compliance challenges they face. Compassionate but untrained supervisors can quickly create surprisingly expensive liabilities. Today’s Advisor concludes the five critical factors for supervisory success. The ideas are from Jonna Contacos-Sawyer and Polly Heeter Wright. Both […]