Category: Oswald Letter

Dan Oswald, CEO of Simplify Compliance, writes about management, leadership, and the workplace. Occasional guest articles are written by other leaders and C-Suite executives from BLR. 

A little compassion would have gone a long way for United Airlines

by Dan Oswald Imagine you own a restaurant. It’s a small, cozy place that caters to families and has a great reputation not only for the food but also for the atmosphere. One evening, a customer comes in and orders that night’s special. When his entrée arrives, he takes issue first with the temperature and […]

Learn great leadership skills from the pros

by Dan Oswald The other day, an adviser I work with who provides me with organizational development counsel sent me an e-mail. It caught my attention, not just because he sent it on a Sunday morning, which isn’t the norm, but because of what it contained. The sender has been providing advice and counsel to […]

‘Culture of help’ benefits the company and the individual

by Dan Oswald Early in my publishing career, I took the “assist” part of my editorial assistant job quite literally, and I would volunteer for nearly every task lobbed at my team by our publisher. After one meeting in which I offered to take on a particularly tedious project, a senior colleague stopped by my […]

Uber says it’s time to stop tolerating ‘brilliant jerks’

by Dan Oswald How much are you willing to put up with from a talented employee? That’s a question that, as a manager, you’re bound to face sooner or later. It’s a question the Uber board of directors is faced with right now. Arianna Huffington, an Uber director, is leading a search for a new […]


Predicting success is hard

by Dan Oswald How good are you at picking winners? If you’re one of the 70 million Americans who filled out a bracket for the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, you probably have a sense of how hard it is to predict success. You think you’ve done your homework. You do your research, looking at win-loss […]

Nurture employees’ passion to achieve success

by Dan Oswald Life is too short to do something you hate. It’s a simple statement that’s hard to dispute, but shouldn’t all of us expect more than not to hate what we do? I think so.  It isn’t enough not to hate your job. Most of us will spend more than 10,000 days at […]

Recent sexual harassment claims are call to action for men

by Dan Oswald C’mon, guys. We’re better than this! The recent string of incidents regarding sexual harassment and discrimination is disturbing and sad, and it should be embarrassing to all men. It’s the alleged bad behavior of men in the workplace—at the expense of women—that’s at the center of the stories.  In the past few […]

Which three fictional characters best describe you?

This week’s Oswald Letter is a guest post from Elizabeth Petersen, Simplify Compliance’s executive vice president of strategy and revenue. by Elizabeth Petersen Dan Oswald has graciously allowed me to take over his blog again, and I thought we’d kick off our week by playing a game that’s been making the rounds on social media: […]

You can’t lead if others aren’t willing to follow

by Dan Oswald What makes a great leader? That question has spurned endless debate and discussion for centuries. In business, we strive to identify those with strong leadership skills and put them in positions where they can lead others. I was a having a conversation about leadership with a business colleague the other day. At […]

Optimism is a powerful tool in overcoming adversity in the workplace

This week’s Oswald Letter is a guest post from Elizabeth Petersen, BLR’s executive vice president of strategy and revenue. by Elizabeth Petersen Every company has at least one: the employee who finds fault in everything. Her cries of, “The company never does anything for us!” are followed by, “They think they can buy our affection!” […]