Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

Embrace the Global Workforce with Minimal Risk and Maximum Reward

In today’s interconnected world, traditional workforce concepts are rapidly changing. Some might even argue they have all but evaporated. As technology advances and communication barriers diminish, companies increasingly are tapping into the global talent pool to fuel growth, expand reach, and cut costs. This paradigm shift, which began a decade ago but accelerated with the […]

10 Tips for Creating an Onboarding Checklist for New Hires

Your company just made a new hire? Congratulations to you and your new employee(s). Whether you’ve made one or two hires or are conducting a mass-hiring campaign, there are a lot of moving pieces involved with onboarding new hires. As many HR personnel will tell you, the hiring process isn’t over when the acceptance call […]

Celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month: 9 Reasons to Hire People with Disabilities

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), and we celebrate the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. Sadly, even in this day and age, many companies are still reluctant to hire people with disabilities because of the misguided beliefs they have about doing so. They think it will cost the organization money in extra […]

3 Ways Healthcare CEOs Are Addressing Workforce Challenges

Innovation is a must when addressing evolving workforce needs. Between the labor shortages, diminished margins, accelerating competition, and even leadership vacancies, there’s a perfect storm of workforce factors pressing CEOs. CEOs need to employ meticulous strategies to rein in costs while creatively thinking about building a sustainable workforce. Innovation is key for CEOs while they […]

Upskilling on the Rise: Insights from Go1’s Latest Research

National Online Learning Day falls on September 15 every year—an awareness event that has taken place every September since its inception in 2016. Interest and awareness, of course, have exploded since the pandemic, when online learning became more of a mandate than an option. Employees are interested in online learning and will adopt it but […]

Job Applicants Direct Messaging Recruiters

The traditional job application process, characterized by submitting CVs or formal résumés and waiting for a response, is being challenged by a more modern, proactive approach. As the digital landscape evolves, jobseekers are increasingly leveraging direct messaging (DM) to connect with recruiters and hiring managers. But is this bold move effective, or does it risk […]

4 Reasons Why a Virtual Assistant Could Be Your Next Great Hire

Employee burnout has become an epidemic, with countless workers feeling overwhelmed, unfulfilled, and ready to quit their jobs. Companies across all industries have been struggling to find ways to keep their workforce engaged and retained. However, many have overlooked one potential solution that can significantly improve employees’ day-to-day experience: hiring a virtual assistant (VA). VAs […]

Navigating Recruitment in the Digital Age

The recruitment landscape has undergone a seismic shift over the past decade. Gone are the days of sifting through stacks of paper résumés and hard-copy applications. Today, digital platforms like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and a wide range of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven recruitment software dominate the scene. This digital transformation has not only changed the tools we […]

Research Examines What Gen Z Wants from Potential Employers

Gen Z, the youngest segment of the workforce, is already making an impact, and its influence will only increase in the future. Global insurance giant Zurich reported in April that people born between 1997 and 2012 are expected to make up 27% of the workforce by 2025. Those numbers are getting employers’ attention, making it […]

Who Owns Knowledge? Considerations When Hiring Employees from a Competitor

You may have recently heard that the heads of two mega-tech companies, Meta and X, the company formerly known as Twitter, have exchanged accusations. No, we aren’t referring to the potential “cage match” but to the allegation that Threads (a social media app from Meta) was developed using confidential information and trade secrets known by […]