Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

Pie-in-the-Sky Recruiting? Get Real!

“I want someone from the top of the class at a top business school, who has advanced rapidly at a fast-growing, respected firm (but I want to pay an entry-level salary).” That’s pie-in-the-sky recruiting—spinning your wheels with no results. In yesterday’s Advisor, we covered the first five prehire necessities. Today, we look at five more, […]

Ten Things You Must Do Before You Recruit

“I want that job filled yesterday!” It’s every hiring manager’s mantra, but it can’t be yours. HR has to step back and approach hiring carefully. There’s too much at stake—from bad hires to damaging lawsuits—to rush ahead blindly.Here’s what you must do before you jump into recruiting: 1. Learn Federal and State Laws and Regulations. […]

Five Easy Rules for Fighting Off Hiring Lawsuits

Hiring even one new employee invokes no fewer than seven federal laws and probably a few state laws as well, says attorney Stephen R. Woods. How does an employer navigate this legal minefield? Woods offers five easy rules. Woods, a shareholder with the national law firm of Ogletree Deakins, made his suggestions at the recent […]

The Interactive Job Description—New Recruiting Tool

Yesterday’s Advisor introduced the “interactive” job description—a productive new take on an evergreen topic. Today we’ll review more interactive job description tips, and introduce a unique new job description system. Irving H. Buchen, an HR researcher and consultant, is a member of the doctoral business faculty at Capella University. Here are his tips for making […]

Job Descriptions Must Offer Steak, Not Pablum

The job description can be a great marketing tool and even “replace” the first interview, but not without a determined effort to put real meat on the job description bones. Most job descriptions offer “pablum,” says Irving H. Buchen. The dull boilerplate language doesn’t reveal very much about the job and isn’t going to enthuse […]

2 Words that Mean Interview Success—’Drill Deeper’

Yesterday’s Advisor covered two deadly sins of interviewers. Today, we’ll talk about a third sin—failing to drill down to the unvarnished truth—and a tip about a product specially designed for the small HR department. Any job candidate with an ounce of sense has prepared answers for the obvious questions about job qualifications. You still have […]

3 Deadly Sins of Interviewers—and How to Avoid Them

Interviewing and hiring the best “talent” for your organization is probably your most important task. And yet, time after time, there’s that sinking feeling after just one day—bad choice. Want to avoid that? Avoid these three deadly interviewing sins. Fortunately, it’s not that hard. Deadly Sin #1—Failure to Prepare Before you start recruiting you need […]

Making Referral Programs Pay–Tips and Sample Policy

Yesterday’s Advisor covered VistaPrint’s very successful employee referral program. Today we’ll look at program tips from The HR Red Book® and a sample policy. In planning your referral program, says The HR Red Book® (formally known as What to Do About Personnel Problems in [Your State]), keep these tips in mind: Incentives can include gift […]

Every Employee and Applicant Is a Talent Scout

Even with a 24-person recruiting team, VistaPrint is always looking for other sources to recruit top talent, so the company views each of its 900 employees—and each job applicant—as a talent scout. “The recruitment team is not the only team that is responsible for gathering talent here. Every person in this organization is asked to […]

Are ‘Stealth’ Violations Lurking in Your Selection Standards?

Employers with the best of intentions can get tripped up by “stealth” violations of testing discrimination laws, says Fay Hansen, blogging on the Workforce Management website. Fay Hansen points out several situations in which employers get into trouble with their testing. Jobs change The first stealth problem is simply that jobs change. In today’s work […]