Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

Monster®’s Hiring Secrets (Part 2)

Yesterday’s Advisor talked about the approach of Monster’s recently published guide, Finding Keepers, to employment—the “engagement cycle” of attract, acquire,advance. Today: Monster’s tips on how to work job descriptions into effective job ads—and a BLR tool that essentially writes your job descriptions for you. Most job ads, says Finding Keepers, published by Monster, are just […]

Monster® Publishes Hiring Secrets

Who’s the expert on recruiting these days? It might just be Monster, the giant job-finding website. Here’s what their new hiring guide, Finding Keepers, says about successful recruiting: With 40 million jobseekers and thousands of employers using, it’s hard to ignore the website’s impact on hiring. So who better to dish out some hiring […]

Never Put This in a Job Description

Last issue, we talked about what to include in job descriptions; today we tell you what to leave out. And we’ll reveal a handy program that makes quick work of all your job description tasks. Essential job elements, exposure to physical hazards, pay grade … the list of what should be in a job description […]

Job Descriptions: 5 Myths About Essential Functions

Chances are, your boss isn’t screaming, “Where are those job descriptions?” But come court time, come EEOC investigation time, it’s “What? You didn’t update the job descriptions?” A new year is starting.  That means it’s time to review those job descriptions again. And as always, the focus is on the essential functions decision. We’ve collected […]

Hire the Best People You Ever Worked With (Part 2)

How do you train supervisors to recruit the best people (and do all the other things like appraisal and discipline and dealing with change and reducing turnover)? Here are some hiring tips, and an introduction to a 10-in-1 training program that educates supervisors and managers in all the basic HR skills. In the last Advisor, […]

Want Great Candidates? Follow Winston Churchill’s Lead, says Top Business Leader

About 85% of HR managers say they’ve hired people not suited to the work environment, says a recent survey. But one business leader says he has the three secrets to finding “the best people you’ve ever worked with.” It appears that, in spite of advances in Internet job posting, computerized résumé tracking, and electronic résumé […]

Reference Checks – How Far Should You Go?

How deep to delve into someone’s past in a reference check is murky business. Here’s one expert’s take, plus notice of an upcoming audio conference designed to clear it all up for you. In the last Advisor, we discussed the legal aspects of checking applicants on the “relationship” websites, MySpace and Facebook. Today, Employment Law […]

MySpace and Facebook: Routing Reference Checks or Dangerous Data Sources?

Are you “MySpacing” and “Facebooking” your applicants? Employers are wondering whether reference checking should include visiting Web 2.0 “relationship” pages. Alas, the advice is mixed. Should your reference checks on job applicants include looking at their “relationship” Web pages, such as those found on “Facebook” or “MySpace”? Some experts say yes. It’s your job to […]

Major Hiring Mistakes – and How to Avoid Them

“You can’t expect great employees to find you,” says top consultant, Gevity HR. Their research has identified five mistakes managers must avoid if they want to attract exceptional employees. Oh, that nasty feeling when you first realize that a new hire isn’t what you hoped—not up to doing the job, can’t motivate people, or whatever. […]

The 5 Killer Job Description Mistakes – and How to Avoid Them

Let’s hear it for job descriptions! OK, we agree, no one’s cheering about doing them, but we did explain in yesterday’s Advisor how important they are. Fortunately, there’s a handy program that makes quick work of job description tasks. We’re talking about BLR’s unique Job Descriptions Encyclopedia. Around here, we call it the “JDE.” Here’s […]