Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

Job Descriptions … Without the Work

When job descriptions are needed … at an average cost of less than 66 cents each … here’s the program thousands have turned to—BLR’s Job Descriptions Encyclopedia. Yesterday’s Daily Advisor noted that one term HR professionals often search on Google™ and other search engines is “job descriptions.” Each month, some of you want to know […]

Job Descriptions: Essential Elements Explained

Job descriptions are the building blocks of your organization. Here are the building blocks you need in a job description. One way HR professionals get information from BLR is through Google™ and other search engines. They search for what they need to know and, if we’ve got it, the search engine will tell them so. […]

A Tool to Educate Supervisors in Legal Hiring, and a Whole Lot More

What if you could educate supervisors and managers in 10 different HR skills for the cost of one program? Here’s how you can. The controversy over video résumés we reported on yesterday points up again how delicate the issue of hiring is in this day and age. Think about it. A supervisor or manager gets […]

Video Résumés: Is There Trouble in Sight?

Video résumés show jobseekers in all their glory, but is discrimination also part of the picture? Here are the two views on the subject. You’ve advertised for a spot in your organization, and now your e-mail inbox is bulging with résumés. As you work your way through the pile, one candidate has included a link […]

Interview Technique: More Than Just Good Questions

BLR’s HR subscription website,, explains that success at interviewing jobseekers means not just knowing what to ask, but the techniques of how to ask. Yesterday’s Daily Advisor gave you 20 key questions to use in interviewing job candidates. Question content is key, of course, to getting the information you need. But so is another […]

20 Top Job Interview Questions

If you could ask only 20 questions in a job interview, which should they be? BLR’s editorial mind weighs in with the answers. Back in the day, there used to be a TV quiz show called “20 Questions.” The contestant had a secret in mind, and the panel was challenged to learn it in just […]

An I-9 Checklist

When the government cracks down, as it has been doing over I-9 and immigration procedures, it’s vital to ensure that your processes are correct. This checklist can help. Yesterday’s Daily Advisor reported on government efforts to curtail illegal immigration by eliminating the principal lure that brings these immigrants here … jobs that, even for the […]

Your I-9 Program: How Not to Get "ICE’d"

If your I-9 program is not up to snuff, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agency can freeze your operation and put you in cold storage. Here’s how to avoid slipping up. Anyone aware of the news these days knows there’s a massive debate under way in the United States about the issue of […]

8 More Tips for Improving Retention

A noted consultant suggests that retention starts with the right hire, and builds by adding feedback, care and trust. But what does the right hire start with? Yesterday’s Daily Advisor began a discussion of the issue of retention, a topic that, by all measures of our readers, is one of your prime concerns. One business […]

Retention: Can You Create It In the Way You Hire?

Research says look for 6 traits in candidates for employment and you can help ensure retention even before you put your new employees to work. We’ve all heard about it … the oncoming “talent war” caused by a confluence of baby boomers retiring, followed by generations not populous enough to fully replace them. We’ve all […]