Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

Make Job Descriptions Do More than Describe a Job

Reviewing our records recently, we found a provocative article on job descriptions by Shelburne, Vermont, consultant Scott Delman, author of “How to Mean Business, Water Cooler Wisdom” and other books. Good things bear repeating … and sharing. So let’s share some of his thoughts with you now. Job descriptions are all too frequently written like […]

Rent a Geezer: The "FlexGeneration" Is Here

Enough of Gen X and Gen Y—now we’ve got FlexGenerationSM. This new category includes mid-career execs who want more flexibility or more varied experiences, and those at retirement age who want fulfilling work. They wan to fill emerging gaps in your workforce—but only on their terms. How do you match up those eager flexers with […]

Cyberslander: 6 Ways HR Can Contain It

Yesterday’s Advisor  briefed us on the challenges of cyberslander. Today, recommendations for dealing with it, and a new technological solution to a far older HR problem … writing job descriptions. Here are Attorney Matthew S. Effland’s tips for identifying and managing cyberslander. Effland, an associate at Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., in Indianapolis, […]

Hiring: Best of Intentions, Worst of Lawsuits

Today, more manager’s hiring mistakes to add to the expensive 6 in yesterday’s Advisor, plus a program that’s helping HR managers all over the country be more effective … especially if they’re in small or one-person departments. Although they may have the best of intentions, untrained managers doing hiring can get their companies in legal […]

Selection Slips and Hiring Hiccups: 8 Common Failures: Hiring and Recruiting

In today’s economy, hiring should be easy. But that doesn’t change the fact that the hiring process is fraught with legal pitfalls, especially for unwary and untrained managers. Here are 8 of the most common, as listed by a prominent attorney. (The first 6 today, the balance tomorrow.) Managers think they are doing a good […]

In Your Facebook: Routine or Risky?

Yesterday’s Advisor covered reasons why HR managers should avoid Internet background checks using Google, Facebook, MySpace, and other websites. But that’s not the end of the story. In our last issue, an HR expert cautioned managers to avoid Internet background checks of potential hires. Legally, she’s right. Realistically, HR people are doing them anyway. The […]

Hiring Based on Internet Searches: Are You Dodging the Bullet or Becoming the Target?

If you rejected a candidate because of information you found on the Internet, did you dodge the bullet of a bad hire or make yourself the target of a big ticket lawsuit? Here’s one expert’s advice. Doing a Google® search on a job applicant—it’s sooo tempting. Facebook®, MySpace® and a dozen other sites are just […]

Important Interview Questions You Can’t Ask, Part 2

In the last Advisor, we shared several forbidden interview questions. Today, we hit a few more and also talk about an extraordinary interviewer’s training program to help avoid these costly miscues. Untrained supervisors sitting in the interview room—who knows what they’re going to ask applicants! One thing for sure, they are nervous, and that means […]

Important Interview Questions You Can’t Ask—and ‘Sneaky Alternatives’ You Can

You want to get friendly with applicants, say today’s experts, but some questions are a little too friendly. In fact, they’re illegal. Here are some legal alternatives. Before you hire, it’s natural to want to know all you can about the candidates you’re considering. And you have a legal right to know about them, as […]