Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

6 Common Mistakes in Hiring Support Staff

Support staff are not interchangeable parts. Sidestep these 6 mistakes and you can hire and keep the best. In the army, it’s the infantry; in the factory, the line workers; and in the office, the administrative staff. Every organization has its “troops”—the people who carry out the basic tasks of the business. Think of these […]

Discrimination Lawsuits ‘Explode’ … and a Tool for Making Affirmative Action Plans Easier

After years of stagnation, antidiscrimination efforts are coming alive. Plus a tool for making Affirmative Action Plans more easily. Yesterday’s Daily Advisor explored the gaps that still remain to be filled in the American workplace before discrimination can be eliminated. Despite 40 years of legislation and litigation, recent studies show women are still not making […]

Avoid the Hazards of E-Cruiting

Recruiting online is fast, easy, cheap, and even fun, but dangers lurk within. This article, and a special May 1 BLR audio conference, will teach you how to navigate around them. Have you done any e-cruiting lately? No, not recruiting. That’s old hat! E-cruiting. E-cruiting, of course, is the buzz word flying around HR these […]

Internet Background Checks: Hazardous to Your Wealth?

Employers who hire based on doing their own online background checks could be looking at wrong information … and trouble. You think you’ve finally found the right candidate for that important job opening. The resume read like a good book, and one with a happy ending. The interview left the hiring manager looking starstruck. Now […]

The Positives of Job Descriptions … And How to Get Them Without the Work (Part 2 of 2)

Done right, a solid job descriptions program can bring your company structure and efficiency. Here’s how to get the benefits, while avoiding most of the costs. A recent Advisor article stated the views of an author who believes that job descriptions should be eliminated in preference to having a program that’s poorly done. A haphazardly-built […]

Announcing a Special BLR Audio Conference: EEO-1 Revised: What You Have to Do Now

The annual EEO-1 report, due each September and covering 50 million workers, has finally been revised. Your first revised report will be due this fall, but you need to be collecting data in the new way right now. This article…plus a special BLR audio conference on Feb. 20… will help you do it right. It […]

Employment Brain Drain On the Way! What Will You Do?

With 40 percent of the workforce nearing retirement, and too few workers in the next generation to replace them, companies need innovative solutions in hiring and retention. The good news: Such solutions are being developed. By the end of this decade, two sets of facts will radically shape your company’s employment picture: First, by 2010, […]

I-9s and Social Security No-Match Letters: How Should You Handle Them?

With employers increasingly targeted over hiring illegal immigrants, here’s how to handle I-9s and no-match letters so that you stay on the right side of the law. As the 110th Congress convenes this week, immigration is sure to be a hot issue, but lawmakers will be reflecting only what’s been going on in the nation […]

Key Steps for Avoiding Discrimination Lawsuits

Avoiding discrimination lawsuits is a matter of understanding the key issues and acting to prevent them. A sister publication has provided guidance on both. This week marks the 65th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack that drew the United States into World War II. It also marks one of the most shameful episodes of that […]

Download This Free Calculator and See the Cost of Turnover at Your Firm

Turnover is disruptive, but also expensive. See how much it costs with this complimentary downloadable cost calculator … and then, show your boss. Recently, Daily Advisor reported that surveys are showing employee retention as one of the top two concerns of HR professionals. (The other is regulatory compliance.) If you have been begging top management […]