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FMLA Training Scenario Video: DOL Investigation Goes Wrong

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), as you know if you’re an HR professional or employer, is one of the trickiest aspects of personnel management. In this video training series, we examine scenarios with FMLA implications similar to what your supervisors or managers could face. Then, BLR’s FMLA expert Susan Schoenfeld explains whether the […]

Infographic: Are You Subject to Penalties under ACA’s ‘Play Or Pay’ Provision?

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), “applicable large employers” must decide whether they will “play” by providing affordable, adequate health care coverage to their employees or “pay” penalties instead. This infographic helps you determine whether you are an applicable large employer and whether you will be subject to either of the penalties. Click here to […]

2016 Minimum Wage Change Map: What State Laws Are Changing?

By Susan E. Prince, JD Minimum wage increases will affect numerous states across the country in January 2016. Our new map shows the states that are increasing their minimum wages, including the new rate and amount of the increase. Click here to read more.

Focusing on External Threat Helps to Execute Strategies, says Study

Focusing on a common external threat is often an effective way for a company to execute its business strategy, according to a study, “Executing Corporate Strategy: A Global Study.” However, the challenge is to not create a culture of fear in the process, which could stifle innovation and risk-taking.

Making Up for a Bad Reputation

As we discussed in yesterday’s Advisor, most American workers wouldn’t work at a company with a bad reputation. Today, we’ll discuss some more strategies for improving your bad reputation or for keeping your good one constant. Making Room for Employment Branding Does your company have an employment branding program? How about even one employee dedicated […]

Infographic: Student Loan Holders Would Greatly Value Employer Assistance

A new survey has found that many student loan borrowers in the U.S. would prefer to work for a company that offers student loan management help as part of their benefits package. The survey was conducted among 1,000 individuals with student loans by Iontuition Inc., a member of the Ceannate companies that helps students and […]