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How Lowe’s Leverages Virtual Reality to Train Employees

Virtual reality (VR) training has become increasingly popular as companies in a variety of industries—from law enforcement to parcel delivery— recognize the cost and safety benefits of using VR to simulate real-world situations for not-ready-for-prime-time trainees. Home improvement and appliance powerhouse Lowe’s has just recently begun using VR to train employees.

How the Environment Impacts Gen Z’s Attitude Toward Work

Employers have typically used salary and benefits to attract and retain staff. Although money is an important motivator for most workers and benefits like health insurance have a potentially significant impact on employees’ bank accounts, it’s a mistake to focus too much on salary and benefits at the expense of other enticements. Here are three […]

Facing Setbacks? Adopt a Survivor’s Mind-Set

The 2007 book Lone Survivor tells the true story of a failed Navy SEAL mission in Afghanistan from the viewpoint of the only person who survived, Marcus Luttrell. The book—and later a film of the same title—recounts the details of a mission gone wrong and the battle for survival.

How Microlearning Can Help with Soft Skills Training

What is microlearning, and how can it help with your training initiatives? Stephen J. Meyer, the president and CEO of Rapid Learning® Institute (, defines microlearning as “bite-size single-concept learning for today’s short-attention-span workforce.” Read on for Meyer’s thoughts on how microlearning can help with soft skills training.

New Overtime Regs: Alert to California Employers

In its new overtime regulations, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has more than doubled its salary threshold for the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA’s) white-collar overtime exemptions. This causes a rare circumstance in which federal law provides employees with more protections than California law.

Handbook Acknowledgments—Why They’re Important

Most employers have some type of handbook to outline policies and expectations and keep everything in one place for employees to reference. However, not all employers ask employees to sign an acknowledgment form; it’s often viewed as an extra unnecessary step because employees already have the information they need.

Pay for Performance May Not Support Labor Cost Control

In recent years a growing number of companies have invested a lot of time and effort creating a performance-based compensation system. If yours falls into that category, then sales personnel and managers likely feel a strong link between the company’s overall perfor-mance, their departmental performance, their own individual performance, and their paychecks. Good job! But […]

Massachusetts Court Green-Lights Nurses’ Defamation Claims

The following case is a cautionary tale about decisive action and one type of legal risk: defamation claims. Although this particular case turned on a legal technicality, it’s useful to show how communicating about your reasons for taking an adverse action can turn into litigation.

Infographic: Workplace Violence Prevention

Yesterday’s Advisor presented important information (plus a quiz) regarding workplace violence, the second leading cause of occupational fatalities in the United States. Today, we provide a handy infographic addressing violence prevention. Are you doing your part to keep your workers safe? Check out the infographic below to learn who’s at risk for workplace violence and […]