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Sexual Harassment: Court Says Foreign Hotel Room Can Be Work Environment; Steps To Prevent On-The-Road Harassment

Suppose an employee complains that a co-worker sexually harassed her while traveling on business during off-duty hours. Can you be held liable for the alleged misconduct? In a recent case, a federal appeals court ruled that an employee who was allegedly raped by a co-worker in a Rome hotel could sue her employer. We”ll tell […]

Train Employees to Cope with the Aftermath of Workplace Violence

The material in today’s Advisor is adapted from BLR’s 10-Minute HR Trainer session, “Coping with the Aftermath of Workplace Violence.” Review Security Procedures Review security procedures and equipment (surveillance cameras, silent alarms, etc.). Discuss any changes made as a result of the incident. If there was a breach of security that allowed the perpetrator into […]

Can Athletic Trainers Improve Your Organization’s Financial Wellness?

  Ever hear of the “industrial athlete”? The concept is that employees, like athletes, perform better when they are properly trained and fit for duty. Proponents say that the right training leads to fewer injuries, quicker return to work, and reduced costs. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of on-site athletic trainers. Says Jim […]

An Overlooked Talent Pool

As employers struggle to find candidates for open positions, a new series of public service announcements (PSAs) encourages companies to consider “opportunity youth”: unemployed young adults between the ages of 16 and 24.

Ontario labor and employment laws to undergo significant amendments

by Sophie Arseneault and Christian Paquette In Canada’s most populous province, labor and employment matters are governed by two fundamental statutes: the Employment Standards Act (ESA) and the Ontario Labour Relations Act (LRA). The ESA sets out minimum rights and obligations of employers and employees in the province. The LRA governs a host of matters […]

Fitbit Hopping aboard the HIPAA Bandwagon

You’ve probably noticed more and more employees sporting Fitbit devices lately—wearable gadgets that track everything from steps to sleep time to heart rate and more. As with almost anything that tracks personal health-related data, however, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) comes into play.

When writing job descriptions, don’t forget the excitement

With today’s top job candidates besieged with offers, how you go about writing job descriptions may determine your chances of winning the talent you need. Here are two ways an HR manager might go about writing job descriptions for the same position. See which way of writing a job description you think would attract more […]

8 Types of Hiring Records to Keep

From resumes and hiring records to attendance records and health insurance forms, HR professionals have a lot more piling up on their desks these days. The HR department is the repository for employee files and as they come and go, this wealth of information can turn even the most organized office into a filing nightmare. […]

Improve Focus, Decrease Stress with Mindfulness

Yesterday’s Advisor reviewed recent research indicating that employers are turning to wellness initiatives that extend beyond physical health into emotional and financial health. Today we take a look at another method of boosting employee focus and productivity: mindfulness.

Court Allows ERISA Plan to Deny Coverage to Same-Gender Spouse

A self-insured employer that explicitly excludes same-gender spouses from health plan coverage did not violate ERISA’s benefit interference or fiduciary breach provisions by having such exclusionary language, a federal district court in New York ruled. A same-gender couple had argued that, in light of U.S. v. Windsor, because the plan declined to cover the spouse, the employer interfered […]