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What’s Hot and What’s Not: 2023 Coaching Trends

When it comes to employee development, the modern organization is turning more and more often to coaching. What was once only considered a privilege for organizational leaders is now proliferating through all levels of companies, and we expect that growth momentum to continue. In fact, our recently published “Business Trends in Coaching 2023” survey of […]

credit report

Fair Credit Reporting Act—Employment Law Basics

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) does far more than regulate the exchange of consumer credit information. You need to understand how it applies to employees and applicants in order to ensure compliance. Below is a general summary of your FCRA obligations.

Pros and Cons of Prerecorded Training

Regardless of the industry or the employee, training is a key component of employee growth. And yet, training is something so many companies struggle with. It’s rarely the case that the most experienced and knowledgeable employees are the employees with the most time to spend giving live training sessions to employees. You need them doing […]

Turf War; Smurf War

Litigation Value: Wait, Dunder Mifflin might actually be a plaintiff in an employment dispute? In a surprising turn of events, the company may have claims against Andy Bernard for stealing a major client and against Jim and Dwight for stealing from the company. Not surprisingly, Dunder Mifflin is looking at liability ($150,000+) for Robert California’s […]

Happy workers

Workers Willing to Compromise on Salary for the Right Benefits, Culture, and Growth Opportunities

Base salary isn’t the sole driving force for most workers when considering a job offer, according to a new report from Hays, the world’s largest specialist recruitment agency. While salary remains the biggest consideration, it is outweighed by the combination of benefits, company culture, and career growth when deciding whether to accept a job offer […]

Executive Compensation 101: What to Consider

Is your company bringing a new executive on board sometime soon? How do you decide the appropriate level of compensation? How do you align executive compensation goals with the overall company compensation philosophy?

Alliance Management—Tour of Duty Template

Yesterday’s Advisor featured Ben Casnocha, entrepreneur and cofounder of LinkedIn, sharing his new vision for the employer/employee relationship: alliances for tours of duty. Today, a template for a tour of duty.


5 Online Scheduling Tools to Make Your Life Easier

Scheduling can be one of the most frustrating parts of a recruiter’s job. You want to make sure you’re accommodating the candidate’s schedule without interfering with your own. And let’s face it: Going back and forth between a paper planner, Google calendar, and dropbox can become frustrating and time-consuming. If you haven’t started using online […]

What Is Peer-to-Peer Recognition?

Peer-to-peer recognition is a form of feedback that comes from employees’ peers rather than superiors. In other words, it’s input from others at employees’ own levels or others they work with.


What Are Wage Attachments?

A wage attachment, also known by the term wage garnishment, happens when there is a court order requiring an employer to use (attach) some portion of an employee’s wages to some other purpose, such as repaying a debt or paying child support. When an employer receives an order for wage attachment/garnishment, the employer must comply […]